
My Pet Beast is really not an Evil God

Gary Smith arrived in a peculiar world of beastmasters, where an ancient taboo was reborn from the depth of time, and an evil god was lurking. In this world, birds and beasts, rivers and mountains, even elements could spawn spiritual power and turn into pet beasts. Among them, the powerful ones became ecological niches by themselves, radiating secret realm ecosystems such as the Yellow Spring, Skeleton Kingdom, Succubus Nest, and Kingdom of the Sky Tree, nurturing countless followers. The beastmasters make contracts with the pet beasts, nurture them, and control the spiritual power. After witnessing the "Taboo Sun" event, Gary Smith obtained the ability to extract materials from everything in the world and compile "Secret Food". Through the Evolutionary Secret Food, the combination of "The Shattered Dusk World" + "Ancient Dragon’s Dead Egg" results in the Feast of the End. When the pet beast consumes it, it evolves into the Dusk Dragon God. The Dusk Domain erodes the world, turning into the God at the end of time. The Skill Secret Food allows the pet beasts to plunder skills from everything, becoming omniscient and omnipotent. The Sacrificial Secret Food snatches the taboo time, sacrifices the ancient beings, and blasphemes against the gods. His style of beast control also started to become peculiar. There is the Spider Shadow that devours ancient dragons and weaves dreams of all lives with its threads, the Red Master that pollutes the multiverse, and the Devourer of the Realms, who consumes worlds... In response to this, he explained, "My pet beasts are just a bit peculiar. They really are not evil gods!"

Morning dusk crow · Eastern
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834 Chs

Chapter 3: Nightmare's Mark!

Translator: 549690339

Gary Smith exited the Chaotic Space, once again setting his sight on the dense Peach Blossom Forest that appeared like a pink cloud of mist.

The light breeze made the peach blossoms rustle and swirl in the air, resonating with the symphony of spring.

"Eye of Truth!"

As Gary Smith silently ruminated in his mind, his pupils resembled stars as he unleashed the Eye of Truth. The silver vines on his Silver Key spread out from the center, intertwining and transforming into a nebula-like pattern of an eye. The overlapping eyes were reminiscent of the double pupils found in myths.

Mystery and bewitchment were added to his originally handsome face.

Upon activating the Eye of Truth, his vision drastically improved; the world viewed from his eyes underwent a change as well!

[15-Year Peach Tree, transplanted, growth condition good…]

[25-Year Peach Tree, transplanted, pests found on trunk, suggesting the use of pesticide…]

[Peach Blossom Ladybug, feeds on nectar and decaying plants…]

[Strange Peach Blossom Drum Frog, the evolution form of Peach Blossom Spotted Frog, has been languishing since pregnant,…]

[Peach Pig, two years old, pregnant, height at shoulder is 1.5-meter, body length is 2.7-meter, weight…feeding during pregnancy can increase affection, feeding piglets with beverage made of peach blossom nectar can prevent diseases in their youth…]

All objects in his sight gained data descriptions, including age, growth condition, and more sophisticated methods for raising peach pigs, and so forth.

His choice to raise pigs was not an attempt to escape from reality, nor to fulfill a contract that risked a high chance of being instantly devoured as a moving snack.

His actual purpose was earning some initial capital for himself.

After experiencing the "Twisted Sun" incident, Gary Smith remained uncertain about the reality of the city he was in. As a result, he remained slightly cautious with everyone.

Having healed from his injuries, he reported his Beast Affinity talent to the school instead of the Eye of Truth.

Keeping a backup plan for himself, and out of fear of attracting undue attention to his eyes.

But hiding his talent does not mean he would just let himself decline.

Especially after his parents embarked on a mission and purchased a large number of items, the remaining funds in the family were not much - a mere 130,000 Union Currency.

It wasn't a small amount, but it was still insufficient to allow him to venture too far on the path of a Beastmaster.

To grow stronger, he must find ways to make money.

Hence, after careful consideration of various projects, Gary set his eyes on Peach Pigs.

A lower sentient species with blue skin and pink fur on their back, their spiritual power is stable, less prone to abnormalities.

Peach Pigs are not particularly powerful, and their feed is also inexpensive. However, due to their exquisite taste and beneficial effects of replenishing a large amount of Qi and Blood and strengthening one's physique after consumption, they are a favored food of many powerful carnivorous Pet Beasts.

Furthermore, some special Beastmaster evolution conditions require the consumption of a significant number of Peach Pigs.

Peach Pigs, which are local to Peach Blossom Village near Abyss City, inhabit the lowest layer of the ecosystem.

For an ordinary Beastmaster, capturing a few is not difficult. However, attempting to plunder in bulk could easily draw the retaliation of Super lifeforms protecting their food. As a result, the market price remains consistently high and rivals that of a Two-Star Material.

Markets breed innovators, and thus clever individuals attempt to domesticate en masse, transplanting Peach Tree saplings from Peach Blossom Village. They then spend a lot of time capturing dozens of pairs of Peach Pigs to prepare for large-scale farming.

However, what many people do not expect is, even though Peach Pigs are pigs, their difficulty in breeding reaches two and a half stars.

Peach Pigs feed on the roots and nectar of peach trees. They are intelligent and resist artificial breeding. Once they realize they are imprisoned, they will become depressed, which affects both their breeding and growth. Some even chose suicide, leading to a complete loss of investment.

Employing a high-level breeder is not worthwhile given the lack of profit and the risk of financial loss.

But with a significant investment already sunk into transforming forests into peach orchards and purchasing piglets, it is not an option to give up halfway. This issue has become a hot potato for many—a huge trouble.

Meanwhile, Gary Smith took over the project easily by pretending to possess the Beast Affinity talent.

However, due to not having made a contract with a first Pet Beast, activating the Eye of Truth consumed his Spiritual Power in sporadic intervals. Nonetheless, he gleaned a lot of information by observing the pigs.

Although Peach Pigs are intelligent, they would accept feeding during the first month of pregnancy. If they are well taken care of during this period, they are more likely to feel closer. Their offspring will also be more friendly to humans—favorable conditions for growth and reproduction.

With this knowledge in hand, Gary gathered comprehensive breeding data on Peach Pigs. He combined it with the power of the Eye of Truth to compile the "Peach Pig Postpartum Care Manual".

He established an ecological system where Azure Water Duckweed cleans up excretions and Peach Blossom Spotted Frogs clear pest insects.

Predominantly, a large number of Peach Blossom Spotted Frogs gathered could stimulate the birth of a Servant Tier Pet Beast, the "Peach Blossom Drum Frog", or even a rare Commander Pet Beast, the "Ghost-face Curse Frog".

The chance of the latter appearing was minuscule, but the former could certainly be sold as an associated product. It was akin to creating another income stream.

Under this new ecological system, the number of Peach Pig cubs showed significant growth.

If he were on Earth, he would surely receive a pennant for being a "Talented Pig-Raiser!"

If he waited another two months, by which time the number of Peach Pig cubs had doubled, Gary Smith could validate the result with the data, and confirm that he could teach a group of people how to breed Peach Pigs on a large scale through a handbook.

The invaluable Peach Pig could then become a product of mass production.

He, alone, naturally couldn't monopolize the profits; moreover, he didn't need to rush, as it was easy to make money with the [Eyes of Truth].

His goal was to use these results to negotiate with the school administration, hoping to exchange them for a Pet Beast cub with the potential to be a golden commander, or at the very least, a high-level elite, to become his first Beast.

"But... there's not enough time!" Gary Smith sighed.

The frequency of the Sun's nightmares was increasing, and it was even beginning to affect his mental state. Something was clearly wrong.

"The Eye of Truth is valid on everything. Maybe I can figure out what's wrong with me right now!"

With this thought, he switched his phone's camera to selfie mode and used the front-facing camera as a mirror, looking at himself. The upgraded Eye of Truth indeed saw a new negative buff term.

[Nightmare's Mark: As a mortal, you accidentally peeked into the essence of the sun and the "beasts" of many ancient beings, and survived without your soul collapsing because you are as insignificant as an ant, unnoticed by them.

But what you saw is a taboo knowledge that mortals are not allowed to touch or know. These memories take root in the depths of your soul as seeds, emitting the sweet scent of ancient knowledge. Since you are powerless to protect yourself, you have turned into a special Curse Flower.

Mortal, you must not pry into the taboo.

The fragrance of the flowers attracted the attention of a beast of Nightmare. At a great cost, it marked you from a distance by planting the seed of nightmare. From then on, your nightmares will become more frequent, until your soul collapses, which will be its feast time.]

[Your dreamland is now a deep sea, slowly drowning you.]

After reading this, Gary Smith's face turned extremely pale.

The shadows that emerged from the abnormal sunlight turned out to be the "beasts" of ancient beings!

Could it be that these ancient beings are also BeastMasters?

Just what level of creature is a "beast" that merely a glimpse at it would contaminate one's memories and turn it into a curse!

Why are those things wrapped up in deep red chains, and what are they feasting on?

Was what I saw happening at this moment in time?

Various doubts swirled around in Gary Smith's mind, giving him a splitting headache, with no-one available to answer them.

Furthermore, compared to these unknowable and mystical beings, they are enigmatic and detached, not paying attention to him, a mere ant.

However, a wisp of spiritual pollution they emit has turned into a curse that deprives a mere mortal like him of life.

An invisible and intangible Beast of Nightmare has set its sights on him.

With the deepening of the nightmare, it will eventually appear and devour his soul!

His life was now on a countdown!

After multiple checks and no trace of the Nightmare was detected, it was likely that the curse of watching the taboo is influencing it, rendering others unable to help him. They may think he has gone mad!

As for the powerful BeastMasters, he doesn't even qualify to recognize, let alone ask for their intervention?

Especially since he, as simple as an ant, attracted a Beast of Nightmare. If a powerful BeastMaster stepped in and saw these memories, might it trigger a more horrifying curse and attract the "beast's" attention?

Even if it didn't, after a thorough investigation, the [Key of Truth] may be exposed. Confronted with the Stairway to Godhood, how many people could remain calm?

He didn't dare gamble on the kindness of others, he wanted to hold his destiny in his own hands.

And that's why Gary Smith must become a BeastMaster first, unlocking more abilities of the Key of Truth and trying to find a way out of this situation.

Gary Smith unlocked his phone and opened the "Nail" app.

Ignoring a bunch of garbage messages asking for "received" and "clock-in" actions like they were ordering a servant around, he found a pinned contact.

Its remark is the 'Student Council President'!

[Dusk Raven: Mr. President, I need a favor!]

Dusk Raven was his id, as silent as a raven in the twilight, waiting quietly for the night to fall.

He thought he would have to wait a while, but the message was returned almost instantly.

[Student Council President: Okay!]

[Dusk Raven: I want to use the school's gold medal to exchange for a beast from the official.]