
My Pet Beast is really not an Evil God

Gary Smith arrived in a peculiar world of beastmasters, where an ancient taboo was reborn from the depth of time, and an evil god was lurking. In this world, birds and beasts, rivers and mountains, even elements could spawn spiritual power and turn into pet beasts. Among them, the powerful ones became ecological niches by themselves, radiating secret realm ecosystems such as the Yellow Spring, Skeleton Kingdom, Succubus Nest, and Kingdom of the Sky Tree, nurturing countless followers. The beastmasters make contracts with the pet beasts, nurture them, and control the spiritual power. After witnessing the "Taboo Sun" event, Gary Smith obtained the ability to extract materials from everything in the world and compile "Secret Food". Through the Evolutionary Secret Food, the combination of "The Shattered Dusk World" + "Ancient Dragon’s Dead Egg" results in the Feast of the End. When the pet beast consumes it, it evolves into the Dusk Dragon God. The Dusk Domain erodes the world, turning into the God at the end of time. The Skill Secret Food allows the pet beasts to plunder skills from everything, becoming omniscient and omnipotent. The Sacrificial Secret Food snatches the taboo time, sacrifices the ancient beings, and blasphemes against the gods. His style of beast control also started to become peculiar. There is the Spider Shadow that devours ancient dragons and weaves dreams of all lives with its threads, the Red Master that pollutes the multiverse, and the Devourer of the Realms, who consumes worlds... In response to this, he explained, "My pet beasts are just a bit peculiar. They really are not evil gods!"

Morning dusk crow · Eastern
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850 Chs

Chapter 1: This Beast Control World is a bit strange...

Translator: 549690339

The oldest and most intense emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and most intense fear is fear of the unknown.

The deep ocean...

Sinking slowly into the deadly quiet deep ocean!

Drained of strength...

All I could do was feel the almost suffocating pain, looking up at the sparkling water surface, where the sun, because of the refraction of light, was distorted and split into nine and stacked on top of each other.

The pale light sprinkled, illuminating the writhing shadow in the deep sea abyss as if the dark mother goddess had opened her arms...


A painful growl startled the birds on the peach tree that was just ready to make close contact, and they flew away grumbling.

Gary Smith, who was wearing sunglasses and taking a nap against the tree, suddenly woke up as if he had just escaped from a drowning state, panting heavily to relieve the suffocating palpitations.

Looking around, large peach trees grow, branches stretch, the peach blossoms on them are like clouds of rouge, and pink smoke drifts, as if a painter has depicted a spring landscape,

Thank goodness, still in the Pet Beast Breeding Base of Abyss City!

He came to his senses and found a white skirt girl standing in front of him with a double-handed love-patterned envelope. She was pure and lovely, with a soft figure, talented, and her eyes shrunk like a startled little rabbit.

Gary Smith knew that he had scared the other party, quickly adjusted his emotions, and squeezed out a smile:

"Classmate, what can I do for you?"

The scared girl stammered:

"That... I want to give you... a letter..."

Think about the previous shout of "No", the girl's emotions are in chaos, not knowing whether to send out the love letter in her hand.

Also, situated in a high position, she inadvertently caught sight of Gary Smith's bloodshot eyes hidden under the sunglasses.

Like a wounded wild beast...


Thinking of the various rumors before, the girl's fear surged like a tide, subconsciously retreated a few steps, suddenly realized that she was wrong, and finally chose to leave in frustration.

She came to a large rock in the distance where another round-faced girl in a sports uniform was riding on a white wolf. She reached out her hand and pulled the white skirt girl up and said with a slight annoyance:

"I told you not to get too close to this weird guy. He suddenly yelled at the Beast Controlling Awakening ceremony before, saying that nine suns were distorted in the sky. Isn't he a lunatic? Later, he even volunteered to raise pigs, wasting a promising future..."

"That's the transcendental creature, Peach Pig, with a silver spirit…" The white skirt girl weakly said.

"Look, you are still speaking for him. No matter what kind of transcendental creature it is, raising pigs is just raising pigs. My father said that only cultivating pet beasts is the right way. Don't get too close to those who self-indulgently degenerate. Being handsome can't feed you. You're so cute, there will be people chasing you in the future, and if there isn't, I'll be with you!"

With this being said, the white skirt girl didn't know what to say. Her face blushed and she lowered her head.

"Cangxue Wolf, let's go!"

The round-faced girl glanced at Gary Smith, who was dazed under the tree. An inexplicable emotion flickered across her face, anger at his indifference and... delight in the person who used to be untouchable now tainted and plunged into the mundane.

But now, Gary Smith is nothing more than a wild grass growing by the road, birds and fish do not cross paths.

The two of them rode off on the snow wolf, leaving the Peach Blossom Forest.

Gary Smith wasn't concerned about their conversation. He tilted his head back against the tree trunk, staring at the artistically blooming peach blossoms, massaging his brow to soothe the throbbing in his eyes, muttering,

"I've been in this world for only three months, and I can hardly remember how many nightmares I've had..."

Gary Smith is a traveler from another world. In his previous life, he came from an orphanage, but, fueled by his efforts and the unscrupulous lessons learned from society, he made quite a bit of money trading children's clothing before his thirtieth birthday.

However, he was overworked, and in the blink of an eye, he crossed over into an alternate universe, entering a body that looked and was named exactly like him, merging with the other's memories in the process.

Although the crossing was somewhat hasty, Gary Smith took it in stride.

Life comes like a storm, leaves like dust.

This is his attitude towards life.

Through memory, he learned that this is a world of beast mastery, countless times larger than Earth.

In this world, everything has spirituality!

Whether they're beasts of the land or birds of the air, lakes, storms, lightning, even the radiance of the sun and moon, machines all give birth to spirituality, becoming extraordinary life forms.

Life forms imbued with spiritual power can continue to evolve towards the extraordinary, gaining abilities like fire, thunder, light, darkness, and more, achieving leaps in life stages, even to the point of spawning god-demon-like powers that can move mountains and command the elements.

Humans, it is said that in ancient times, could freely manipulate spirituality, but history is too long; the only evidence is some fragmentary archeological material, with most people treating it as ancient imagination.

The reason for such thoughts is that people who directly ingest excessive spiritual power will trigger a strange mutation, turning into monsters that are neither human nor ghost.

And in the ancient times, the humans who were weak and filled with spirituality naturally became the choice blood food of many monsters, so it is often that tribes were attacked by monsters, leaving a field of bones.

For a very long period of time, humans could only survive by worshipping powerful beings for protection.

Until an enlightened one discovered the unique talent of humans, who could contract with extraordinary lives, creating a beast master space, accelerating the growth of the pet beasts and using the beast master space and pet beasts as filters, perfectly absorbing spiritual power.

Since then, the offensive and defensive situation has reversed!

Countless human talents rose, driving out monsters, establishing human citadels, and even giving birth to a brilliant civilization to this day.

The profession of the Beastmaster, as the key factor in the rise of humans, has been perfected and developed over thousands of years and is divided into combat, breeding, medical care, potion production, divination, and more, incorporating the power of pet beasts into a part of human civilization.

Powerful beast masters protect entire cities, allowing ordinary people to be free from invasion by extraordinary creatures, and even further explore the wilderness to gain a large number of resources and wealth.

All other professions are inferior; only beast mastery is superior!

The first step for a beast master is to awaken the spirit. Although it's only the starting point, it already surpasses most ordinary people!

And the awakening is divided into nine stages,

The first three tiers are of Red Copper Spirituality, corresponding to the Servant Tier Pet Beasts.

The middle three tiers are of Silver Spirit, corresponding to the Elite Rank Pet Beasts.

The top three ranks are of Golden Spirituality, corresponding to the Commanding Beast.

And after that is the Morning Star Level, corresponding to the Overlord Level Pet Beasts, as for anything higher, it's too distant for Gary Smith.

Golden Spirituality is the core talent, there are a large number of resettlement policies and benefits in any city.

And in this life, he is not an orphan unexpectedly; he has parents, his father is of Golden spirit and his mother is at the peak of Silver Spirituality, performing alliance missions outside.

A perfect start as a second-generation beast master.

And the day he crossed over, he just turned eighteen, waiting in line to awaken his Beast Control talent.

All Beastmasters will awaken their own talents to plan their future Beast Control path.

For Gary Smith, whether it's element reinforcement series, attachment series, or side job talents such as making magic potions, gathering material, or even the ability to listen to history...

He doesn't need to worry about any of it, his parents will find him the best excellent pet beast cubs.

However, just as it was his turn, bad news came that his parents were killed in an attack by the Cult of the Evil God while on a mission.

After awakening his talent, Gary Smith became what the girls were shouting about before, a madman with nine suns.

Later on, he even took the initiative to apply for the school's Peach Pig Project, in the eyes of everyone, he is a counterexample of being devastated after the blow.

However, only Gary Smith knew that he was not crazy!

Because the talent he awakened, named the [Eyes of Truth], allows him to consume his own spiritual power to see the talent and information of the Pet Beasts.

Just after awakening, he was unable to perfectly control the [Eyes of Truth], resulting in a flood of information that caused agonizing head pain. Subconsciously, he tried to look up to avoid the crowd, resulting in an unforgettable scene.

The eternal sun turned from one to nine. Their illusions were constantly shattered and stacked, growing deformed like bloated meatballs, occupying the Sky.

No words can describe Their essence, no language can describe that strange and mysterious posture, it seems to be a product that violates all rules and order, great and chaotic.

In that great glow, it seemed as if many figures were still wriggling.

Each one is extremely large, and the strange and chaotic shadows spread and expand like tree roots. The grandeur of their breath is enough to shatter the stars.

They formed a circle, their bodies entwined with countless deep red chains. It seemed as if they were gnawing on something, emitting a strange noise that dyed the entire sky red.


He thought it was a world anomaly, shouted out to warn everyone, but passed out after taking a few steps due to the exhaustion of spiritual power and was rushed to the hospital.

The final diagnosis was slight corneal damage and macular burn on the retina from staring directly at the sun.

Although in this world with Beast Control, such damage can be greatly recovered with just a healing light from a medical pet beast, it also requires wearing sunglasses for recuperation afterwards, preventing exposure to strong light during this period.

After waking up, no matter what Gary Smith said, no one believed him. It was only treated as hallucinations after a mental blow.

Even Gary Smith began to doubt himself.

Because when he dared to take a sneak peek out of the corner of his eye later...

Above the Heavenly Dome, the sky was bright, the sun was emitting dazzling light, sacred and shining, making Gary Smith squint uncontrollably, and tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

It seemed like it was all just his hallucination.

However, the Eyes of Truth afterwards could only check pet beast information, even if he hid in the ward imitating animals, it would not work, but was seen by the nurse, which further proved him to be mentally unstable.

Gary Smith wanted to forget everything, but the nightmare about the sun's mutation continued to haunt him. With the passage of time, it was eating away at his sanity with increasing frequency.

"It's not me who's sick, it's this world!" Gary Smith murmured softly, his gaze resolute.

Having seen the terror contained in the world, after that, even the spring sky and summer flowers in his eyes are poison.

It's this intense sense of insecurity that makes Gary Smith crave power even more.

And the quickest way is to become a real Beastmaster!

Just as this thought emerged in his mind, obscure mutterings suddenly sounded in his ear, overlapping each other, like an ancient mysterious symphony.

Although he had never heard this language before, Gary Smith understood its meaning:

"Binding completed... to the Door of Truth."

As the voice fell, the world before his eyes was suddenly engulfed by endless chaos streams and blinked into a void of darkness.

Within the Chaos, Gary Smith felt as if he had turned into an indescribable great existence, stationed above the endless chaotic mud, indescribable, dark and infinite.

Multitude of arms gently moving, shaking the chaotic world.

The chaos shattered and evolved into endless earth, fire, wind, and water, creating the world and life, but immediately was swallowed by the chaos mud and returned to nothingness.

"This is not the Beast Mastery Space, here is ... "

Gary Smith was shocked, instinctively he wanted to see what he looked like now, but an unknown sense of crisis stopped him.

Once he saw clearly, it could probably lead to unknown horrors.

Thinking of this, Gary Smith instinctively lowered his head and saw that on one of his arms, countless bubbles were entwined and millions of lights were converging.

Each one emitted a rainbow halo, with mysterious whispers following it, as if expounding the supreme truth.

They merged together, forming the shape of a broken portal, as if they were gathering all the truths of the world, past, present, and future were timeless and unique.

As Gary Smith's gaze fell, a large number of bubbles began to scatter, revealing something that made Gary Smith's pupils contract in surprise, exclaiming:

"This is..."