
Chapter-52 She is here for revenge!


Following him out of the party area, the only thought that was constantly going through my head was, why the hell, do I feel such a weird attraction and want of love towards him if he's not my mate.

"So, uhh..you are Alexander's mate," Daniel said awkwardly as we stopped near a hut-like thing in the garden.

"Well, it turned out to be like this," I said awkwardly looking at him as I folded my hands in front of me.

"You don't have to feel awkward with me you know. When I said I love you. I meant every word of it. I know I and Alexander had decided that we will consult someone before anyone of us fully claim you as one of ours. But now, that you have yourself declared that you are his mate.

I don't think there is any need to do that. I just wanted to say, that I am hoping, that we can remain good friends without any awkwardness between us. Yeah?" Daniel said before giving me one of his signature smiles.