
My Perfect Mistake

"So this is what it feels like to be married huh..." Emma replied quietly as she caressed the marriage certificate in her hand. "Don't let me wait for you tonight." Levi said domineering as he got into his sports car and drove off, leaving Emma dumbfounded. In search for an adventurous life, Emma coincidentally crossed paths with Levi, a demon among humans who claims whatever he desires. And unfortunately for her, Levi has marked her on his to get list. How will Emma ever be freed from this hell of a marriage and finally get her exciting life back??!

Stephanie_Igben · Urban
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32 Chs

First Day at Work

"Before we proceed, I'll like to acknowledge the presence of a very outstanding woman who was interviewed. Miss Emma Duke... please stand up." Cynthia smiled as she stared at a woman in a light blue gown with cute dimples.

Emma who was a few seat away from Cynthia stood up only to get a disapproving look from Cynthia. Emma looked at the woman in blue before taking her seat with a pleasant smile.

The woman who seems to be in her early twenties stood up awkwardly as she adjusted her blonde hair beside her ear.

"I heard you got your masters in Journalism at Harvard University??" Cynthia asked in amazement. Cynthia was a woman who acknowledge those who deserve praise and critize those who doesn't.

She grew up from a poor family so she knew how hard it was to get to where she is today. Although she didn't attend any fancy or first rate university abroad, she was one of the best in the school she graduated from. Her hardwork pushed her from an ordinary news caster to a small worker of Omars Royal, up to the head of PR department she is now. It was a rocky road getting where she is today so she found it necessary to acknowledge others.

"Um... I didn't. I graduated from C city's university with a second class in public relation." She said embarrassed.

Cynthia's assistant by the side then came and whispered some words to Cynthia which caused her expression to change into one of embarrassment.

"Ahem... Please have your seat." She then looked at Emma who still had her pleasant smile on with apology in her eyes and Emma decided to stand up to a word further embarrassment.

"I'm Emma Duke and yes, I did my masters in Harvard." Emma said fluently with a smile.

"You are welcome miss Emma. I've heard so much about you." Cynthia said before proceeding to the job allocation.

Emma due to her outstanding result was placed as the assistant to the new deputy director of the PR department.

The new deputy director is a forty two years old man with 10 years working experienced. He had a strict look on his face and was quite well built. He goes by the name Eric and is a black American with low cuts.

His appearance was a little below average but still pleasing to the eye. After the two hours or so meeting, the new employees were given a quick tour around the department before they got to work.


"President Reign, the new set of jewelries are out and are ready to be advertised. A plan had been drafted on how to go about the launching of these products and has been scheduled to hold on the 2nd of next month. The details of the event are here and need your signature." Zeus said politely as he stood across the good looking Levi who was going through his email.

Truth be told, even the men in the company admire a god like figure like Levi. He has never been seen with a smile for God knows how long and always kept people at arm's length.

He has this mysteriousness around him that attract both male and female towards him. Zeus would have fallen for him a long time ago if only he was a woman.

"Okay." he replied lightly.

It was the fifth day of April and the weather was a little windy. Emma came out of Omars Royal with an exhausted expression as she waited by the sidelines to flag down a taxi.

"How stressful office jobs are..." Emma sighed as she rolled her neck in 360 degrees. Her first day just so happen to be the day the plans for the new products launch were finalized. They had a brief meeting with all their staff and different works were associated to them all.

As the assistant to the deputy director, she had to run from one errand to another for the deputy director and also carry it the task assigned to her.

As Omars Royal also invested in the real estate industry, various fashion brands, tourism and other businesses, the workload on all the departments is anything but easy, especially with a strict boss like Levi.

Standing in the cold windy street, Emma was about to walk back into the company when a car stopped in front of her.

The car cost more than five hundred thousand and although not very luxurious, it was still eye catching due to the red color and the loud honk.

The window of the passengers seat was wound down and Emma exclaimed at the sight of the person inside the car.

"Get in girl!"

Without further ado, Emma jumped into the back seat and the car zoomed off.

"How was your first day sis?" Andrea asked in delight.

"It was stressful. You definetly got me in a tight spot huh..." Emma laughed out.

"I know right... now I won't have to worry about you getting fat due to excess sleep." Andrea said which left Emma speechless.

Many thanks to all those who support my work!!

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