
My Perfect Dream

"I know Dad, I know I'll be the heiress of Bridget Group but...but did you ever care for what I wanted", she stated gesturing out her frustration. "Why do you care more about those boys than your company. They don't even know about your existence!!", her father pointed out walking over the couch. "Dad, you d-don't know them then why are you saying all these. I love them, my love for them is more than.......Dad please give me a month, I just need a month to breath, to get to understand my feelings, to think. Dad after a month of trying to g-get over them I will gladly come back to take over", she said with teary eyes in a pleading tone. Kaylee Bridget is known for her beauty, compassion, golden heart, kindness, bravery, stands up against injustice, willingness, and being loved by everyone around her, what so ever name it all. She is the one and only heiress to Bridget Group which comprises of different aspects of business line - Shipping, Fashion, Airports and so on. She has been pampered and given all what her heart desires her whole life except for a thing. Get on the ride and find out what makes the Princess of Bridget Group unhappy ???? _________________________________________ "You stupid girl, you're just like those crazy fans who stalks their idol every single minute" "Yes, now you have nothing to say. I'm deeply disgusted" "Can you like close your mouth, you're drooling stupid" "Tsk, you silly fan. I don't need to explain myself to you. You're not really important stupid girl" "I'm super sure she did something wrong that's why she doesn't have an ambition for her life" *** "CAN YOU JUST STOP IT. STOP IT, I'M FED UP. YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU DON'T ACT LIKE THIS TO YOUR 'BELOVED' FANS SO WHY AM I SO DIFFERENT. IT'S NOT LIKE I'VE MET YOU BEFORE TO GAIN THESE AMOUNT OF HATRED FROM YOU". Jayden Terrence is An Australian and Worldwide Idol, a perfectionist with great looks. He is currently in a boy band called 'TLK' meaning The Last Knights. The band are currently facing an issue with songwriting, deciding for the best to take a break from music. On their smoothly perfect and full proof planned vacation, he encountered TLK's greatest fan who only loved them as a Fan would do but for no ultimate reason he despise her presence. Or are these all a facade to cover up his real and buried feelings. His past have been haunting for quite some time, is it time for all secret to come out of the closet. Who will finally help the group to overcome their problem and Jayden's uncleared past ?????. Let's find out more about the Romance between A Idol and His Fan. Secret will be exposed, who is willing to jump into ride to 'MY PERFECT DREAM'. Author's Note. This story should not be stolen or rewritten and to clarify, I may be a baby writer but I'm here to write my imagination away ~. Love

Kailee_Praise · Teen
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26 Chs

Chapter 19- First kiss

Chapter 19- First kiss


His lips are on mine !!!!

The only thought that came through my mind, his soft red plump lip pressed on mine.

We were both frozen on spot as his emerald eyes widen in shock, no one moved for 10 seconds straight and my eyes widened unbelievable by my action as I immediately snapped out it taking my lips off his.

Is it strange that I want his lip smashed against mine again.... Arrggghh, God why am I feeling this way.

"I-i I'm sorry, sorry I didn't mean such", I rushed out, my cheeks all flushed trying hard to compose a sentence.

Shit! My first kiss is gone just like that. And I gave it to a member of my favorite band boy, my favorite celebrity.

"That was actually my first kiss", I muttered under my breath unconsciously, touching my lips.

"Mine too", a voice I didn't expect would reply stated. I look up to see his greenish-blue eyes piercing into mine. I could see a flash of care, lust and his emerald eyes reflecting a strange emotions that I couldn't decipher.

"Really.... Gosh I thought you had one since you kept changing your girlfriend like clothes. I must say you're one good international playboy" I teased sarcastically and he chuckled shaking his head.

"My dear Allie not so sorry to burst your bubble no I haven't kissed any of them and never dated them before. They are just so clingy they spread rumour that we were dating to get more attention from my fans", he elaborated and shaking my head disappointed by the act of fans and attention seeker celebrities.

"Oh", it was all I said under the circumstances of an awkward atmosphere.

"What so that is what you think of me hmm", he exclaimed feeling a little bit hurt.

"No that isn't true. I just thought-",I tried to explain as he suddenly placed his finger on my waist started tickling me.

"Tsk then tell me what do you think of me", he asked still tickling my side hard, I was laughing out loud and hard cause I couldn't control them.

I was on the floor with Jayden straddling me, I pleaded for him to listen but he just returned his signature smirk and continued.

"S..stop P.... please", I pleaded laughing uncontrollably, he finally stopped and I tried to calm my breathing. I lifted my head up to see Jayden's eyes trailing down from my eyes to my lip, his fixed gaze got me intimidated and goosebumps.

Staring intensely at me, his emerald sparkling eyes pierced right into my soul and that sent tingles into my spine as I slightly shivered.

His kohl-black hair shined in the moonlight a little bit messy. His bulky muscles arm at each sides of my head which held his body not to be squashed under him.

Bewitched under his steady gazed. Don't know what came over me I wrapped my hand around his neck and pulled him closer to me, a little distance from my lip pressed on his, his soft but heavy warm breath fan on my parted one and his eyes searching for any objections, leaning down slowly.

I don't care and don't know what I'm doing I just want his lip on mine again.

He delicately placed his soft lips on mine and kissed me sucking my lower lips, I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck letting myself drown in the moment of lust or love.

I mimicked his actions slowly as I shut my eyes.

I tilt my head upward and my fingers involuntarily slide up to his soft but messy hair. He groaned softly and gently placed his arm around my waist, his mouth and lips are slow and tender as it tangled with mine, his tongue caress mine.

Don't know how long we kissed but if felt like Minutes. The cruel fact was that we had to break apart for air, his red lips looks swollen, my fingers tangled into the thick wave of his messy hair. We tried to calm our heavy breathing staring at each other breathing the same air. Lust, desire and a strange emotions sparkled in his eyes.

"Wh-what just happened i-", he interjected sharply between my incomplete and bad stuttering.

"I want more, Kaylee" he said unbelievably, I couldn't believe my ears and I wanted to ask to confirm his demands but it seems he has another plan in mind as he leaned down swiftly and captured my mouth and shit I didn't push him away.

He kissed me hungrily, titling my head and moulded his mouth to mine. It was wet and needy and his lips are so soft. He lifted his lips a bit away from mine and licked my lower lip as I parted it once more he dipped his tongue into my mouth tasting every corner of it.

Once again I forgot how to breathe

I slowly opened my eyes to see Jayden's forehead resting on mine. He finally opened his enticing green-blue orb of his and smiled brightly than ever, my cheeks got hotter than ever. I had no idea I got these in me, I'm so embarrassed right now.

He lifted me a little bit, me being all shy and super embarrassed I couldn't face him after that little dirty moment a while ago.

He chuckled and commented "Hey, don't hide your beautiful face, memorizing golden eyes and perfect smile from me", he smiled mischievously raising my chin with his middle finger.

"Please do me a favor and be my date for the upcoming charity ball" he pleaded softly and that got me shocked.

"What ball?"

"Hold on babygirl, the ball is specifically for Idols, Actors, Actresses, Singer and Popular Celebrities across the world and I want you to be my date for that night" he explained calmly waiting for my response with an arched eyebrows and tilt lips.

"Why don't you ask your sexy and hot models. I mean they will literally fall at your feet to be asked to your date", I responded a bit harsher than I intended but I couldn't help but think he likes his sexy and hot models and actresses than I. And why in the world am I comparing myself to them. Jeez, I'm tired of these questions in my head.

"Now don't ask anymore questions kitten, or I will love to kiss your lips so hard till it start to bleed. No further argument you're going to the ball with me", I blushed at his comment recalling his soft red lips harshly smashed on mine a while ago.


"Hey, don't you even try to ignore or denial that we just had an full make out which I enjoyed a lot by the way", he smirked knowingly and seductively licked his lips.

"Ahhh, damn you old pervert"

"Who are you calling an old pervert?. I'm the Top one most handsome and sexiest Asian Idol, kitten".

"That went to Theodore you meant and for goodness what's with the pet names which is not my name or nickname if you didn't notice", I groaned and his smirk grew more.

I wish I could wipe it off his perfect face

"I know you like it kitten, you're just not saying"

"Enough okay enough. Fine I will go to the ball as your date then goodnight to you pervert"

He laughed and replied "Goodnight kitten, dream of me".

I stood up and dusted the sand from my blue jean short waltzed through the reception leaving Jayden at the shore with my flushed cheeks I stepped into the elevator.

My heart is crazily beating....... What do I felt is it Love.


I couldn't comprehend what happened or control it.

Her lips were soft, her mouth was warm and wet as she tasted damn sweet.

Before my brain could catch up, my head leaned down to take her full pink lips. I kissed her hungrily and breathless without thinking and I don't regret for a second. My thumb lightly bushed against my lips recalling the feeling of her lips on mine. The great amount of adrenaline that rushed through my vein when her lips met mine the first time was intense.

I couldn't get enough of her as I had roughly leaned into it. It took me a whole lot of might to draw my lips from hers. I could kiss her for days and never get tired of tasting her lips. 

The only question which runs through my mind is what do I feel for her.

I have always been in love with Allie and never felt any different for another but Kaylee, she is different. A new fresh of breathe and air, I just can't wrap my head on why she makes me do things I've never done before. Thinking been distanced from her would help me but I was proved wrong when I had to get closer to her.

I understood her pain and love after listening to every words she said. She is beautiful, brave, caring, carefree, kind-hearted, jovial what else could I ask for and she makes me more crazy.

Getting frustrated with my thoughts I walked into my room and slumped into the bed to see Jason coming out of the bathroom.

He hasn't noticed my presence in the room when I asked and he got scared. "Jason, how do you know when you like someone?".

"Goodness Jay, you gave me a fright", he exclaimed with his hand on his chest.

"I'm sorry, I had no intention to do that"

"What!! You finally realized your true feeling for Kaylee."

He chuckled at my smugged face "No I don't like her", I denied frantically.

"Yeah you don't more like you love her", I gasped at his comment and turned my head to the other side of the bed where he is currently laying on.

"No, I don't love her and I-i think I like her", I slightly blushed at my confession and scratched the end of my hair.

"Good and hm... Okay it's like when you're in love or you like someone. Your heart starts to race in an abnormal rate, your body normally react instead of your brain. Your body cells rejoice being close to the one you love and you'll always want to see that person smiling cause it makes you happier than ever. And at last you can't stay away from her", he explained like an love expert or something.

"Whoa, it seems a bit tougher than I imagined"

"It's so much worse when the two are soulmates" he stated with his leg crossed over each other.

I was surprised by his claim, I don't believe in soulmates but I'm curious to know the meaning of his sentence.

"What do you mean Jason?"

"Look, when two people are basically soulmates they would want to be near each other always and if they should by any chance separate, it always end with a bad one. They will be madly attracted to one another and they will love each other to the extent of sacrificing one happiness for the other. They do feel this connection between them that draws them closer unconsciously. That's how the soulmates bond works and it is few of us that meets our soulmate".

'Why does the explanation of soulmates bonds sound familiar to me but I can't remember exactly where I heard it from'. God why am I suffering from so many unanswered questions.

"Anyway Jason, Thanks and Goodnight to you".

"By the way, where were you Jayden?. I didn't see you at my side when I woke up"

"I was with Kaylee, she had a little problem for me to fix"

"I figured"

I slept with a smile on my face knowing I would have the same dream as I did but the feeling this night is different from others. Maybe it's because of Kaylee flushed face plastered on my mind or the desire to know more about the soulmates bond, as I thought I drifted to sleep.

"Hi Aden, where have you been ?. I missed you" , a soft but small voice said with a bright smile on her lip. Staring at her beautiful face, she is flawless and so innocent.

'I'm sorry Allie, I missed you too", a nine years old boy cried on the shoulder of the small little soft girl. I wish I could keep her away from the world.

'Aden why are you crying ?. You know I hate to see you in tears", she patted his head releasing the hug wiping his tears away.

'I'm leaving tomorrow and I will never comeback. I'm sorry Allie.', he said as a tear plopped down his cheeks.

It took a minute for that sentence to sink into her as she reacted frantically.

'W-what.. d-do you mean Aden. Y-you promised to never leave, you're my b-bestfriend', her tiny little voice screamed out with teary golden eyes.

' I'm sorry Allie, don't forget you're the best friend anyone could ever ask for", he stated watching as a tear rolled down her cleared and spotless face.

'P-please don't leave me ! Y-you pinky sweared y-you wouldn't leave ",she begged in a shaky voice.

' I'm sorry Allie, I'm sorry I don't want to leave...I-i have to go', he replied as his voice was slowly cracking.

"Allie, I have to go but I'll come back and look for you. Please don't lose hope my Allie", he promised cleaning her tears off feeling her soft skin with the pad of his thumb.

'Will you come back Aden, pinky promise", she said strengthening fort her pinky finger.

'Yes my Allie, I will and never forget you', he interlocked her finger 'I promise you', he assured.

'Please find me Aden, I'll wait for you-', her soothing voice was slowly fading.


"Dad, have done what you asked of me. Please don't hurt Allie and her family, I will follow you. I left Allie behind please just don't hurt her, p-please" he pleaded crying on his knees.

"Don't worry Jayden. As long as you do whatever I ask of you, I won't hurt your Allie", a middle aged man in his late thirty with a styled Kohl black hair and stern brown eyes, a devilish smile on his lips said. "Or else if you don't, your Allie will be surely harm by me I promise you".

"Stop dear, you're threatening your son with the thought of harming his only soulmate how could you be so heartless", a middle-aged woman in her early thirty, she had a strait brown hair that was curled down to her shoulder, her skin was pale and it compliment with her green-blue eyes helping her son to get up on his knees.

"Shut up, it's for his own good. His so called Allie is his weakness and I don't want to have a weak son so let's go", he commanded his voice lacing with dominance and his face showing wrinkles around his face and eyes.

'Don't worry Allie I will come back and search for you even if it's the last thing I do' he thought determining as they all stepped into their luxurious car and they drove off.

'Hey Jayden, wake up, Jayden.....'

Author's Note

Chapter 19 Updated and Edited. More secrets revealing and more romance coming.

Who else think the so called lazy author should put some sense into Kaylee and Jayden's head for them to finally see they are in love with each other also to stop asking stupid obvious questions .

Anyway moving on, I wanted this chapter to be all about Kaylee and Jayden. And yes finally decided since their names are super long I created a ship name - Kayden or Jaylee.

You lovelies should vote  for the best ship name or comment for more ideas.

See you soon

Love <3

Your Author
