
My Perfect Dream

"I know Dad, I know I'll be the heiress of Bridget Group but...but did you ever care for what I wanted", she stated gesturing out her frustration. "Why do you care more about those boys than your company. They don't even know about your existence!!", her father pointed out walking over the couch. "Dad, you d-don't know them then why are you saying all these. I love them, my love for them is more than.......Dad please give me a month, I just need a month to breath, to get to understand my feelings, to think. Dad after a month of trying to g-get over them I will gladly come back to take over", she said with teary eyes in a pleading tone. Kaylee Bridget is known for her beauty, compassion, golden heart, kindness, bravery, stands up against injustice, willingness, and being loved by everyone around her, what so ever name it all. She is the one and only heiress to Bridget Group which comprises of different aspects of business line - Shipping, Fashion, Airports and so on. She has been pampered and given all what her heart desires her whole life except for a thing. Get on the ride and find out what makes the Princess of Bridget Group unhappy ???? _________________________________________ "You stupid girl, you're just like those crazy fans who stalks their idol every single minute" "Yes, now you have nothing to say. I'm deeply disgusted" "Can you like close your mouth, you're drooling stupid" "Tsk, you silly fan. I don't need to explain myself to you. You're not really important stupid girl" "I'm super sure she did something wrong that's why she doesn't have an ambition for her life" *** "CAN YOU JUST STOP IT. STOP IT, I'M FED UP. YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU DON'T ACT LIKE THIS TO YOUR 'BELOVED' FANS SO WHY AM I SO DIFFERENT. IT'S NOT LIKE I'VE MET YOU BEFORE TO GAIN THESE AMOUNT OF HATRED FROM YOU". Jayden Terrence is An Australian and Worldwide Idol, a perfectionist with great looks. He is currently in a boy band called 'TLK' meaning The Last Knights. The band are currently facing an issue with songwriting, deciding for the best to take a break from music. On their smoothly perfect and full proof planned vacation, he encountered TLK's greatest fan who only loved them as a Fan would do but for no ultimate reason he despise her presence. Or are these all a facade to cover up his real and buried feelings. His past have been haunting for quite some time, is it time for all secret to come out of the closet. Who will finally help the group to overcome their problem and Jayden's uncleared past ?????. Let's find out more about the Romance between A Idol and His Fan. Secret will be exposed, who is willing to jump into ride to 'MY PERFECT DREAM'. Author's Note. This story should not be stolen or rewritten and to clarify, I may be a baby writer but I'm here to write my imagination away ~. Love

Kailee_Praise · Teen
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Chapter 12- New Dawn

Chapter 12- New Dawn


I traipse out of my bathroom with a white towel over my head and a towel wrapped around the body. I walked up to my closet and picked out a dark blue nightie, applying my skin care cream.

My phone dinged a little seconds later when done with my treatment I waltzed up to my phone on the vanity.

You have been added to this group.

:"N e w D a w n":

Theo : Lee, I created the group for you to know the plans for our tour feel free to chat ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Myles : Dude, you seems jobless !!!

Me : Hi everyone !!!!

Jason : Have you added your friend, I'm so excited to meet them. I bet they will be fun to hang out with.

Me : Not yet, I will add them give me a minute.

I left the group chat, slowly smiled at how Jason is excited to meet my friends. I diverted to mine and the girls group chat.

It look like Irene added Ellen after all

Girls, Hey : Me

How are you doing ?? : Me

Eve : Great and u

Rene : How have you been?. Good or bad

Girls, I'm fine thanks and I'm good. TLK gave me the most amazingly tour ever so I talked about you girls a lot and they requested for me to add you to their new group chat. Is that okay with you? : Me

Rene : What the fuck Lee, are you for real?

Yep : Me

Eve : I'm fine with it

Rene : How can you be acting normal in this situation ?

Eve : Nah I'm good but nervous to chat with my bias

No prob, Justin is gonna love you. : Me

Eve : I hope so

Rene : Jason is super hot and cute right !!! Tell me tell me

Eve : that's an irrelevant questions Irene

Lol, he is the one that's most excited to meet you girls ... : Me

hm..where is Ellen ? : Me

Ellen : am here....

Hi girl, how is your grandma health : Me

Ellen :...she is fine thank you.

Do you mind if I should add you to the group chat also.... : Me

Ellen : .... I don't know them but I can tell they are great people. I would love to join.

That's wonderful, okay I will add you in a moment from now. Tighten you pants girls ..... : Me

I excited the girl group and immediately added them to New Dawn.

You have added Eve, Rene and Ellen to the group

:"N e w D a w n":

Me : Sorry, it took a while

Justin : No harm done Lee !

Theo : Hi girls

Jason : Hello

Justin : Hey girls, I'm Justin

Eve : my goodness, nice to meet you I'm Evelyn.

Justin : Have heard so much about you, lol

Eve : Is it a good thing or a bad one

Justin : No a good one Lol 

Rene : I'm super flushed right now, I can't believe I'm actually chatting with The Last Knights, I can finally breath my last breathe !!!!!!!!!

Jason : lol I see you're Irene, nice name thou..

Rene : Did he just complimented me or I'm just imagining I am super dead !!!!

Me : girl, cool down lol

Eve : Get your ass together Rene,  you're flipping embarrassing.

Ryan : Lol

Theo : You guys seem a lot funner than I expected LMAO

Rene : I'm sorry.... Pardon my outburst just excited.

Harvey : it's nothing, you're not the first fan to react this way.

Ellen : Hmm... Hi

Theo : Oh hey, and you are

Ellen : I'm Ellen

Me : Yes she is my newest friend a little shy and timid but an important friend one.

Theo : My bad , I'm sorry. Lee didn't mention a lot about you

Ellen : oh, am just her newest friend . Also I know nothing about you guys too.

Jason: wow !

Harvey : That's okay. Let's introduce ourselves guys. We are all seven, I'm Harvey nice to chat with you. The mother of the group and oldest.

Ellen : Nice to chat with you too

Rene : Len, you're one lucky girl

Me : Yep

Justin : as you all know I'm Justin, the sunshine of the group.

Jason : I'm Jason, the cutest

Theo : I'm Theodore, the hottest

Jason : Hottest my ass !!!!

Ryan : Lol I'm Ryan the leader of the group.

Ellen : ... Woah!! And Ryan how are you coping with six members to control.

Ryan : That is not my job sweetie but harvey's

Harvey : yeah, I am the one taking care of these six hot headed fools.

Ellen : .....lol okay but I thought you were seven and I'm only seeing five of you. So sorry for invading just curious

Jason : no prob, and yes Myles would be probably sleeping, he is our other member and Jayden I had no idea where he could be

Me : ????

Theo : He is in my room apparently reading the chat but not commenting. And yes he is Jayden the baby of the group.

Jay : Am no one's baby, don't call me that .

Me : So you can type ....

Jay : I'm not in the mood stupid girl

Me : Me neither arrogant jerk face

Ellen : They are not on good terms ?

Theo : Unfortunately yes

Ellen : I love your name it's cute !

Theo : Awwnn Thanks, your's lovely too.

Rene : is it suddenly getting hot in here !!!!!

Justin : You bet it is

Me : I'm off to bed, goodnight everyone and Jayden have a lovely nightmare honey.

Jay : same to you, dream of me stupid.

Eve : Lol sweet dreams. We'll be here chatting

Me : Never in a lifetime, will I dream of you.

Rene : Keep saying until you believe Lee. 

Jason : Lol good night cupcake.

I closed the chat and walked towards my bed slumped into my bed.

Am all alone again .....


I felt so bad for saying that, how could I be so foolish !!!!!. What's my business if she doesn't have an ambition. I felt worst catching as her eyes filled with unshed hear. I'm a scum bag I didn't mean to hurt her !!!!!

Arrrgggghhhh, what's wrong with me?

I left my room knowing that I could find the answer to my questions. Entering Theo's room, I noticed he created a group chat and Kaylee chatted happily I didn't want to ruin her moment that was why I didn't type a word.

At least she is happy with the members even though I act like a jerk sometimes.

I checked the group chat scrolling through the messages. My eyes darted to the group chat's name.

"Who in the world name a group chat ' New Dawn', Theo why the hell would you name the group chat this", I shoved the group chat's name to his face.

"You're here, I thought it was cool that was why I named it", he defended and went back chatting in the group.

I sat down on his bed beside him scrolling through the message "Jayden why don't you answer, they are wondering where you are", he asked.

I shrugged helplessly " Anyway I'm going to reply for you", he mumbled.

"Hey I'm not the baby of the group",I yelled deafening, punching his arm.

He hissed frantically in pain and reply " You're the youngest and you better show me some respect", I scoffed at his attempt to scold me.

"My my are you flirting in the group chat. So quick wow you're fast Theo", I taunted him and laughed.

He snarled and whispered "Whatever".

Is she going to bed!! why is she going to bed?  I hope she is okay, why am I even worried about her well-being. You need to forget about her, she is a crazy fan who only wants attention -

'But both of us know she isn't', fuck my subconscious just had to torment me.

"And anyway, it was a mere compliment", Theo defended once again.

"Tsk, tell me about it", I teased and continued " You don't know she could be your future girlfriend".

"Just like Lee. She will make a perfect girlfriend", he retorted and that paused me.

"Why did hell do you guys keep forcing me to accept that I like her, I don't like her and I'm repeating this again. I DON'T LIKE HER"

"Cause she is great, loveable and innocent, why don't you like her?"

"No never, I don't feel that way about her and yes I love someone else so please stop pressuring me. ", I screeched.

"Your 'Special Allie' can never love you back", he said emphasizing 'Special Allie'.

"I-i need to sleep, good night"

"Night to you too. Think about it Jay", he called out to me.

"Have you forgotten Theo, we are forbidden to date our fan", I retorted right before I slammed the door harshly.

I was walked into my room, picked up my headphones with the lyrics blasting into my ear to distract myself from the thought of Kaylee and Theo's words.

🎵So, before you go

Was there something I could've said

To make you heart beat better ?

If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather

So, before you go

Was there something I could've said

To make it all stop hurting

It kills me how can your mind can make you feel so worthless

So, before you go🎵

Playing few of my playlist I became sleepy also afraid the sleep of my usual uncertain memory.

After much contemplating, I headed to my bed. Slowly closing my eyes all I saw was darkness.

'Hi Aden, where have you been ?. I missed you" , a soft but small voice said with a bright smile on her lip. Staring at her beautiful face, she is flawless and so innocent.

'I'm sorry Allie, I missed you too", a nine years old boy cried on the shoulder of the small little soft girl. I wish I could keep her away from the world.

'Aden why are you crying ?. You know I hate to see you in tears", she patted his head releasing the hug wiping his tears away.

'I'm leaving tomorrow and I will never comeback. I'm sorry Allie.', he said as a tear plopped down his cheeks.

It took a minute for that sentence to sink into her as she reacted frantically.

'W-what.. d-do you mean Aden. Y-you promised to never leave, you're my b-bestfriend', her tiny little voice screamed out with teary golden eyes.

' I'm sorry Allie, don't forget you're the best friend anyone could ever ask for", he stated watching as a tear rolled down her cleared and spotless face.

'P-please don't leave me ! Y-you pinky swore y-you wouldn't leave ",she begged in a shaky voice.

' I'm sorry Allie, I'm sorry I don't want to leave...I-i have to go', he replied as his voice was slowly cracking.

"Allie, I have to go but I'll come back and look for you. Please don't lose hope my Allie", he promised cleaning her tears off feeling her soft skin with the pad of his thumb.

'Will you come back Aden, pinky promise", she said strengthening fort her pinky finger.

'Yes my Allie, I will and never forget you', he interlocked her finger 'I promise you', he assured.

'Please find me Aden, I'll wait for you-', her soothing voice was slowly fading.

I woke up from my memory, as usual sweat beamed on my forehead, wet clothes, heavy breathing except for a different things this time around a smile on my lip.

I c-can't believe I saw her face for the first time ever. She looks beautiful as I imagined, her eyes looks attractive and ravishing, her small heart shaped lips but why does she remind of Kaylee. No no no she is Allie, my Allie and that stupid girl Kaylee are both different people. But why do I feel that Allie is Kaylee, I think I'm going insane.

I went directly to the bathroom to get a cold shower and went back to sleep my face mastered on my mind. I wouldn't let her face fade from my head after so many years I could finally see her beautiful face.

I'm coming Allie ..... I will find you.

Author's Note

Thanks so much for the 2k reads.

Chapter 12 Updated and Edited. If you have any questions for the characters or author you can kindly comment in the section.

Don't forget to Vote and Follow for more updates.

P.s : I've decided, Updates are on Mon and Tuesday

Don't miss more about Kaylee, Jayden and Allie.

And yeah this must have been the most confusing chapter cause of the chat and message between different characters I'm sorry for such but I had no other choice.

More romance to come !!!

Love <3
