
My Path Continues As: A Healer on Another World

Insig, a normal surgeon, was suddenly transmigrated to a different world where magic exist! Is this an accident, or the work of fate? He despondently discovers that most of the things he learned in his past world was useless because the world here operates based on a different law. However, with just his experience and healing ability alone, he desperately strives to survive and climb to the peak! Read as Insig embarks on the path of healer, and ventures through dangerous lands in pursuit of Immortality. Once more, he will rediscover the world that he had thought he had seen already... as well as himself. Will he stay true to himself? or will he get lost in the endless road under his feet? *** Author's Note *** I'm an amateur at writing so please read with ummh.... patience? Like go easy on me please. Also, I don't have any experiences in writing, I only wrote this as a hobby. Don't expect too much. Releasing chapters takes some time, especially since I'm a student and a reader at the same time. I'm really sorry! Also, for the cover, credits to the owner! I just randomly found it. I'm not owning it! If you have some discomfort, you can contact me, and I'll remove it.

HeavenlyRayofLight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Chapter 6: First Patient

There, he saw the scene up close. Insig was perplexed and inspected the wound. He saw that in the area around the wound were hints of flame aura releasing heat, burning the skin around them.

One of the healers told one of the attendants.

"Call a healer with affinity to water!"

He then saw the surrounding healers releasing a rope shaped green aura towards the wound. The aura's movements were flexible, like a flag in the wind. Oddly though, there was no wind inside the room. If you look close enough, you will see that the green aura was releasing golden lights. The aura was oddly satisfying to look at. Just looking at it can make you feel revitalized.

'This..... is this the healing magic? How beautiful and calming.'

Insig looked at the patient who's closing his eyes in bliss. He looked like he was being massaged.

'He looks like he will be in good condition at no time at all. What's the big deal then?'

Seiki once again looked at the wounds. He didn't understand why there were so many healers helping him.

Then, he saw that although the healers were trying their best, the effect was minimal.

Insig saw that the green energies were facing an enemy. The burn marks around the wound were releasing magical energy fighting the life energy.

'What is this?'

Insig looked up at the past experience of the original owner of the body to see what kind of case this was.

'This.... It's an injury caused by an attack applied with magical properties! It seems that he was wounded by a flame element beast.'

From the corner of his eye, Insig suddenly saw that the attendant that was ordered had come back with a girl.

She has silky, wavy blue hair that seems like the blue sky reflected from the ocean. You can obviously observe that her body developed well by the two bulging circles on her chest.

But you can tell that she hasn't experienced the world from the naked immaturity from her eyes. It was like she was curious about everything happening around her. She was just like a lovable rabbit.

"He- Hello, I'm Jane, a water attribute healer. How can I help you?"

'She seems rather cute. It seems like she was assigned as a healer because she was affected by the war but has no battle experience.'

Insig thought to himself while observing the girl. She has watery diamond blue eyes that seem to contain the sky, and long yet delicate eyelashes that are as blue as her hair.

She has delicate features, but she still has some baby fat on her face. She was wearing a white suit too, but has a blue colored cross in the center instead of a green one.

"Healer Jane, this patient's wounds has lingering flame-element magic power. We need you to neutralize the wound..... Can you do it?"

The healer that called for observed her and asked. He slightly doubted her abilities because she looked quite immature.

"I'll try my best!"

Jane said loudly, she seems rather worked up.


Jane approaches the patient and gets near the wound. She was slightly nervous so she took a deep breath to calm down. Her chest bounced a little as she took a deep breath.

She raised her hands and conjured a water ball, it looked like a large blue bubble. It has the size of a basketball and has a calming cool aura around it.

She gently pushed the bubble to the claw mark, her hands were flexible and delicate like the flapping wings of a chick.


The flame aura on the wound reacted violently, it was like it met its arch enemy. It produced more flame energy and increased the temperature, but it was all for naught.

The fire aura was extinguished under the blue bubble, although the bubble obviously got smaller.

But Jane didn't let her guard down. She still kept the bubble on the wound.

"You can proceed to heal him now. I'll take care of any flame-related problems."

Jane assured them and the healers nodded.


The leading healer was quite satisfied with her performance and then conjured a rope of life energy that entered the bubble and flew to the wound.

It quickly healed the skin and was proceeding quite well. But the wound suddenly glowed red and flared up.

This was a common scene. The wound was deep and the magic energy that was extinguished was only the energy on the outside.

Unlike wounds that you get from nature, attacks with killing intent were much harder to deal with because the magic energy has a will of its own.

This can make the magic in the wound slightly tricky. As they can do things like hiding or in rare cases, moving to other body parts.

Jane already knew this and was prepared to extinguish the fire. The bubble moved even closer to the wounds. Jane poured more magic to the bubble, causing its aura to strengthen and easily suppress the fire.


The flame was slowly suppressed and disappeared with the sound. With the help of the life magic, the wound slowly healed and was good as new.

'Amazing! How efficient! In my past world, a wound like that would take months to heal and would even leave a mark. Magic really is amazing!'

As the show was over, Insig went to other patients that needed help.

His first patient was a soldier that had an accident from battling. He bawled his eyes out because of so much pain from his broken knee. His knee joint was cracked and he looked so pitiful and kinda cute. He was like a pitiful dog.

Insig went over his memory on how to heal a broken knee.

"I need you to bend your knee so you can bend it when it's healed, it may hurt a bit but bear with it."

Insig told the patient. After he was told to bend his knee, he looked like he was about to cry again.

Seeing this, Insig couldn't bear to make him cry. So Insig thought of a way.

He carefully touched the patient's leg and transferred a minute amount of life energy to the patient's body. The patient felt better but the wound didn't heal. Insig only did this to slightly lessen the pain and make the patient relax.

Insig then carefully and slowly bent the patient's knee and quickly poured life energy to the wound to heal it.

The patient's body unconsciously absorbed the energy as it was deemed beneficial by the body.

After the energy entered the patient's body, Insig felt a slight connection to him. But the connection was severed as the patient's magic core moved to erase Insig's mark from the energy.

The skin of the patient has now looked much healthier and developed a tint of red.

'So this is how healing works!'

Insig's eyes slightly expand at the wonder of life magic. The bones, joints, flesh, blood vessels and nerves quickly healed and reconnected.

The patient was feeling good from the side effects of the life magic. So much so that he didn't notice that the wound was healed.

When he came to his senses, his jaws dropped when he noticed that there wasn't much pain from touching his knees and was shocked.

The pain he expected didn't appear. He smiled brightly and looked at Seiki with shining eyes like he was his saviour.

"Are there any other problems you still need help with?"

Insig asked.

"I'm okay now! Thank you very much! I thought I was about to die from all the pain and blood. How can I repay you? Can I know your name?'

The patient smiled but his eyes felt empty. Insig felt a little overwhelmed from his enthusiasm and he felt that he was too dramatic. It was as if the patient was forcing himself.

Truthfully, he doesn't like enthusiastic people very much as he was traumatized by his talkative and naughty little brother who doesn't know how to shut up and always bullies him whenever there's a chance and he can't hurt him because he's favored by his parents.

'With this much enthusiasm, it's no wonder that he got in trouble.'

Still, he wasn't disgusted by his behavior though. Seiki petted his head as he reminded him of his dog, they were both troublesome. Seiki shook his head slightly and smiled wryly.

"It's nothing, I just did my job. Your wound is healed, you can go away now."

Insig quickly walks off to get away from him.

"Wait, can't I at least get your name? How about lunch?"

The patient tried to reach out for him but Insig quickly ran off.

Richie has always wanted to make friends because he was lonely, as his enthusiasm always irritates his instructor.

His instructor was the strict kind and was always on tenterhooks because war was approaching.

The instructor tried to teach him a lesson but was defeated. Embarrassed, the instructor always makes trouble for him.

Because of this, he doesn't have many friends and he always gets beaten up and sent to the hospital. Insig was the second ever to show some kindness to a stranger like him. Other healers only heal him and don't ever care how he feels.

The first one was a healer too. It was said that in the last ambush, when he was heavily wounded from fighting, a healer quickly healed him.

When he was being healed, an enemy breached the defense and attacked him, but the healer took the attack for him rendering him unconscious.

As he had already recovered lightly, he fought with the enemy and successfully killed him.

He tried to help the healer and sent him to the other healer. He hasn't heard that he was at the brink of death. Because of this, he felt remorseful and convinced himself to protect those who helped him again.

"He must be a good person! I must get him as my friend!" Richie decided enthusiastically.