
My Past Relived System?

Trent_Young · Fantasy
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What kind of bs system is this!?

After what seems to be an eternity my eyes open. My body groans and cries for rest and peace, but in a world like this how is that possible? When everything is out to kill you and devour your bones? Pfft aint no rest for the wicked or so they say.

"Whoa let's back this bullishit story up, shall we?" A snap is heard as scenes of blood shed, death, and pleasure passes by your eyes.

"So this is where my crazy story begins" The room is quiet nothing but pencils, erasers, and the sound of paper flipping is heard in the auditorium. "Ten minutes left everyone" the corse voice of the elderly teacher rings throughout the room. "Shit! I'll be back gotta finish this test then we'll talk" The messy haired man hurriedly says as he flips his sheet in front of him.

Twenty minutes later we find our charming character walking towards his parked car. "Ok that sucked so, let me introduce myself. The names William Dawson, everyone calls me Will. I'm your average college student, well maybe not." He shrugs as he opens the door of the black SUV. "I guess you could say I'm not your traditional student, I'm turning 28 this year and finally getting my engineering degree. Hey don't judge, life's a bitch."

The car starts quietly as he starts to back out. "And even now my life's about to turn upside down....again...sigh." As his eyes roll a bright purple flash blinds everyone in the area and the black SUV that used to be there seems to have been but only a mirage.

"What the fuck!?" Will crashes on to the ground his limbs in a tangle as he tries to right himself, he begins to slowly observe his environment. The smell of iron, cries of men and women, and the sound of metal hitting metal rings in the air. "Whaaaatttt is this?"As his eyes finally adjust unfamiliar symbols run across his vision.

-Welcome new contestant. To the world of life and death known as Tarsus. I'm your system, give me a few minutes to read your records and find the best configuration for you-

After a moment of shock and disbelief, Will breaks his stunned silence.

"You have got to be kidding me!!"