

VOL-I The story of Somi Vien Zoldyck. Somi, a girl who was forced to be an adult ahead of time. A girl who was devastated with misery, hopelessness and tragedy. Life doesn't warn you before it strikes you with the unknown. Time heals all sorrows they say but some events cannot be healed no matter how much time is passed. For this purpose, the only option left is to be reborn and forget all misfortunes that struck you in the past life but do they really heal? This is the story which entails the hardships of past life, the shadows which never let you forget the events of past life and the oblivion and pleasure the new life brings. All of this separated by a thin barrier. This is the story which never disappoints. It's a story not about revenge but about finding her own self which is hidden in deep shadows.

Augustdsuza · Teen
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3 Chs


Sometimes I wonder why is it that some people in the world have everything while others have nothing. Doesn't it sound awful? But you know what is even more awful is that the people who already have everything snatching the little from the people who are already miserable. Such is what happened in my case.

My name is Somi. And I am the person whose little happiness was taken by someone who had everything. Let me tell you about myself. I am 8 years old. I was born from Xaledi Haler, my father who didn't even felt obliged to give his last name to me, and Miana Lester, who unsurprisingly also didn't give me a last name. The reason being I was the illegitimate child of Xaledi. Is it my fault that my already married father had a one night stand with Miana who was notorious for scheming to get the position of Xaledi's wife? Such is my story.

And today is the day that my father is coming to get me from my mom. Talk about me being high up in the clouds from happiness. I have never seen my father before but I have heard that he is a Duke of the Kingdom Nifaryos. It is a kingdom comprising two continents and is ruled over by King Rohan su'i Xavier the second. He is not the typical Kong described in the novels that I like to read in my free time. But I have heard that he is a no nonsense person. He does a good job in regulating the law and order in the Kingdom. And he is not particularly happy with my father.

Speaking of my father, he is a person whom I have never met but I have endured the misery brought upon myself by his ignorance from the moment I started to understand the worldly things. My mother is a mentally sick person who gets joy out of hitting me to pass her time while waiting for my father who has not even looked at me once since I was born. My mother Miana Lester used to be the proud daughter of the Lester family, a baron family of the neighbouring kingdom. But she fell in love with an already married man and this lead to a thread of scheming and sleeping with my father hence bringing me into this messy world and resulted in a never ending targedy.

"Somi" I heard that cold and emotionless voice of the woman I call mother.

"Yes mother" I said obedience overflowing from my attitude lest I get a beating for being rude.

" Your father is going to come here And I don't think I need to remind you that you should keep your mouth shut and not disturb our quality time together after 8 years"

"I understand mother" Quality time she says when she is nothing but a mistress who was lucky to conceive the child of a Duke after a one night stand.

" I have to get ready for your father" And there she goes.

And I am left here wondering what kind of person my father would be. Would he hold me in his arms? Would he talk to me? Just like Jessi's father likes to talk to her after a long tiring day. I started fantasizing about our first meeting ever since I heard that he was coming here.

In the afternoon:

We have been waiting for him to come since the morning and he has yet to arrive. let's be positive. Maybe he is busy buying gifts for me. At 9pm he suddenly entered with his knights. He looks so handsome. Standing at a height of 192cm he looked rather overbearing. His surroundings are cold. I smiled at him wanting to go over and hug him but the scowl he showed on his face while looking at me kept me in my place.

"Dear you arrived so late. Are you tired? Let's get dinner." My mom said.

"You still haven't changed your ways of disgusting me. I feel nauseated looking at you and this daughter of yours"

"Wha-what do you mean by my daughter. She's your daughter as well"

"Considering how much of a slut you are I highly doubt that she is mine" I was stunned.

This is the man that I have been waiting my whole life. The person I remembered when my Mom beat the sh*t out of me. He is saying such things about his own daughter. I looked at him in disbelief with tears filling my eyes.

"Dear you know that I love you and can't even imagine doing such things with anyone other than you" My mom said with tears trailing down her face. This was the man she wasted her adulthood on. This is the man who didn't even think how much his words would affect her.

"Hearing you speak is making me want to puke. And you want to taint my name with this disgusting thing you call daughter. Keep on dreaming woman. And if you tried to pull any other such stunt again which tried to strain my relationship with my children and my wife then I won't even think before slicing your throat. " With this he left. He left without even looking at me. He left me with my monstrous mom.

She didn't cry or wail like normal people in such situations. She was calm. Static even. And then she looked at me. Smiling. But her smile didn't reach her eyes


"My endearing daughter! Why don't you accompany your mom for a light dinner?" She said her voice lathered with ove and care. But I know what that meant. She was going to hit me more than usual. That much I knew.

She took me to her chambers. "Mom slow down I can't catch up with you" I said panting. Fear filled my mind. Something was different toady. And I could feel it. She was behaving abnormally. "Mom let me go. I am scared" But she didn't listen. More likely she igonred what I said.

We reached there. She threw me in. That throw was anything but normal. I fell face first and ended up penetrating my front teeth in my lower lip. Now that hurts like hell. She slowly came into the room and locked the door. She came near me and said: " You little bitch! It's all because of you. Be-because of you y-yo-your father left me. it's all because of you." She screamed like a banshee and started to kick me. Her kicks were mostly concentrated on my abdomen and my head.

She stopped to take a breath. I thought that was the end for today but she had other things she wanted to do. She stood there watching me squirming in pain. But she didn't say anything nor did she hit me. Just stood there and watched me. Then she took a rod that was placed on the table by the maids and started beating me. She was especially brutal today. She didn't care that the person she was beating was a 8 year old child. She didn't stop there. It looked like she wanted to kill me today. I didn't know that this was just the beginning of my misfortunes. I if had then I wouldn't have wanted to live and wished that I died by her hands today. Because no matter how much your mom hates you she can only be so brutal to kill her child but she doesn't want her child to suffer and denied even death.