
My Past Lover

A long time ago there was a princess who was in love with a slave, but the problem was that they can never get married, She doesn't want to make her kingdom a fool and she was forced to marry a prince from another kingdom. One day the princess got reborned, they finally meet each other at highschool will the princess confess her love to him? how will the story go on?

Ry0kaa · Teen
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18 Chs

1ˢᵗ Day

I woke up in my new house, New bed, New everything, even school. I woke up like any other day brush my teeth, ate breakfast and go off by train, Then went to school.

I was in front of the school gate, People start looking at me, I mean its to be expected because they have never seen me ever. When I turned left into the corridor, I rammed into a boy by accident

"I'm sorry" i said

Ah, please dont tell me this is going to be like any other anime when the protagonist and the heroine rammed into each other and fall in love.

"Look where you're looking at are you blind?" He said with an angry voice

Wait, This sound, it's familiar it can't be. I looked up and saw Aoki. I was shocked but more than that i was upset and mad, He was here the whole time. It's funny what you hope for will never be fulfilled but once your hopes are gone they will be fulfilled. I stood up and punch him endlessly

"Hey, what the hell are you doing punching me" He said

"So you've forgotten who i was?" i said while looking down

"Yeah. but, There's an explanation about it all"

"I don't want your explanation" i screamed, I was holding my tears

"Hear me out first" while grabbing my arm. I looked back while shedding a tear. When she saw i was crying he instantly let go of the arm

"Sorry" he said.

I ran and ran hoping to never see him again. When i was running there was somebody who screamed

"Dont run, its dangerous. Sheesh kids these days" somebody said

I wiped out all my tears and then turned back. He was tall wore glasses, he brought a book with him, And wore a suit with a red tie, Im guessing this is the teacher.

"Okay" i said to him, while holding my tears again, he looked suprised

"So you're the new kid huh?, my name is Okazaki Ryota nice to meet you, im your supposed homeroom teacher. What are you doing here and why were you crying?" He said to me

How did he know i was crying? Is my eye that red?.

I brushed it off by saying "No, i got something in my eye. That's all"

"There's no need to hide it, let's talk about it rather than you being upset about it, There's still 10 minutes before homeroom" he said to me

I looked to my left and right there was nobody there. Im guessing they were at class getting ready for homeroom.

"Fine" i said. I told him everything from primary until today. He was a bit shocked but, He understood everything

"Ah, Im guessing you havent heard of the accident" he said

"What accident? What do you mean?" i said, I never heard of this what happened to him? Is he okay? Please tell me he's okay

"He has amnesia, he was rammed by a truck while saving a cat. Im guessing he was hit by hard. He forgot everything his family, Friends, And you. Im gonna say this. It wasn't his fault. It's been rough these 2 years for his family and especially him. What im trying to say is forgive him" i said

After he explained it all to me. Wow i really can't believe it he has amnesia, he lost everything, Our time together at the castle, Our time at Primary School.


"Sensei, can i go to the toilet?" i said to him

"Go ahead, i'll wait for you after that we'll start homeroom and introduce you to class"

After i was at the toilet i screamed, And cried. Why didn't he remember me. Was it not special enough to remember?. After i felt a little better i came back to him, He was waiting at the front door while playing with his phone.

"Im done, lets go to class"

He smiled and said"That's good, wait here for a moment i'll call you when its your turn" He openned the door "Okay, Students im going to start homeroom now, Sorry i took long but its worth it, c'mon greet me and i' ll tell you the good news" after the students has greeted him he said "Now, what's the good news you might ask? Today, i will be introducing you to a new transfer student!, please come in" he said

I came in and closed the door, Went in front of the class and introduce myself "My name is Kiyo Akasune, Nice to meet you" for some reason the boys screamed in happiness? i think? I think my introduction was okay, I hope i get a lot of friends here, And hope that they will be good at me.

"Anyway you can sit down there beside Aoki near the window" Mr. Ryota said, I went and sat on the seat. Ugh this is the Main characters seat. Near the window and it was beside him, I mean i guess it was okay if i was beside him.

"Now let's begin homeroom" He started homeroom.

After 10-20 minutes suddenly somebody threw a paper at me it reed "This is me Aoki Haruta, Can i explain now?"

i wrote "No, i already know what happened, did you seriously forgot who i am?" in the paper and throwed at him

"Yeah, Anyways what was i like at Primary School? Was i cool or what?"

"You were the exact opposite of cool, you just followed me around and called me queen"

"What? Don't lie to me. Im not that stupid"

"Im serious, My mother recorded it. You were my servant you know? You even said please dont walk let me piggyback ride you of course i declined"

"Hah, its probably edited. Let me see the video you're scared aren't you?, You should be"

"Why? Im not making stuff up besides what i told you is the truth. do you not believe me?"

"Well duh, c'mon im not that stupid to be your servant"

When i read that i was angry and looked at him and made a fist "Well then what if i said was the truth? do you want a bet on it?"

"Hmm, Yeah sure i'll buy you some ramen"

"Huh, Just ramen? are you that scared? dont tell me you just want a date with me? after all you did say i was beautiful at that time"

He looked at me and then i smugged at him "Well then i'll buy you two ramen. And i guess he wasn't wrong you are beautiful"

When i read that i looked at him our eyes met and we started blushing. I looked at the window so he doesn't see me blush

"Alright its a deal, Don't you back down on me stupid"

"Fine, Stupid" we then looked at each other while i stick my tounge out and pulled my lower outlid. After the first period was done. I was bombarded with my classmates they came to my seat and asked every question they can think of.

That's it for today i hope you enjoy

Question Of The Day: Anyone a fan of action? If you do why?