
Arc 1 Chapter 1.1 (Sealed School of Demons )

A pale slender man stood in the shadow of the acacia tree . He has a handsome smile on his face as he waited his lover to come and meet him . He and his girlfriend had been in a relationship for almost three years and Zone deeply loves her . Zone met her at the staircase of the company he was supposed to meet his client . He met her crying with a heartbroken heart .

At that time , Zone's heart thumped at the pitiful look on her face . He felt sympathy and sadness when he saw how sad she was . Zone saw her id and learned about her identity . That's when he met her again when he was shopping at the national book store , their hands happened to meet when both of them tried to pick the newly released book of a famous author .

Both of them argued since it was the last book in the stock and they argued about being the one who picked it first . As a soft hearted man , Zone naturally gave up and gently gave it to her instead .

A lot of things happened after that until he confessed his feelings towards her .

Zone smiled warmly when he remembered those times yet his smile suddenly froze when he caught a glimpse of a figure .

Zone immediately hid behind the bush and kept silent . A sweet voice rang out as two pairs of footsteps stopped at the place where Zone originally was .

" Shiela , when are we going to be official? We know that we love each other , why do you still cling unto that weak soft man? "

The black haired woman with soft bangs faced the man and smiled wryly . " I can't bear to hurt him Vince . After all , we have been in a relationship with each other for a whole three years . "

" But you don't love him , am i right? "

That word stabbed Zone's heart painfully . His lips trembled when he heard it , it sounded harsh and sharp like a dagger stabbed within his heart .

" Of course , don't you know that you were the one who i originally loved? "

Zone covered his mouth . His breathing became short as he felt his heart thumping in shock and pain .

" Then break up with him . "

Tears finally streamed down his face as his fragile heart shattered unto pieces when he thought of his lover breaking up with him . He didn't even expect that Shiela had not once loved him throughout the years they spent time together .

" Yes love , don't worry . I will surely break up with him before the valentine's day . "

Vince who was a half asian-american smiled and gently kissed Shielas fingers one by one . They looked like protagonists in a story and the one they were talking about was an extra who put a barrier between them . Zone bit his lower lip as he clutched his heart in pain . He could feel his heart and throat tightening , his breathing short and difficult .

He struggled to stand up and came out slowly . He tried to reach his hand to Shiela yet he suddenly blacked out and fell down dead .


Staring at the ceiling , Zone's mind was still dazed and blank then he suddenly flinched when a thing fell down on the floor waking up Zone from his daze .

" W-what happened?!!! " Zone hurriedly looked around and found that a white cat escaped through the window as the flower vase fell down on the floor due to the cat who hit it along when it escaped .

Slapping his cheeks a little bit , Zone could feel the reality in front of him . He's not dead , he did not die from heart attack!

Elated that he's still alive , Zone immediately jumped down from his bed and immediately entered the bathroom to wash up .


A sound of a body hitting the ground resonated as Zone stared at himself in the mirror with a shock expression .

" How did i get this kind of eye color?!!! "

The man before the mirror looked pale and fragile with attractive moles beside the eye and lips . His lashes were long and curved like a fan while his brows were moderately thick and straight like a sword , his nose are just like before , straight and soft . His lids were monolid and he has a peach blossom eyeshape . His lips were upturned causing him to look like a seductor . Moreover , the color of his eyes were red .

With his upturned lips and red eyes , he looked like a psycho who would smile weirdly with a calculative mind . Where was his gentle look before?!! Although his current face looked 80 percent similar to his previous one . He couldn't believe that his face would be this attractive after some touch ups .

" I never had these kind of attractive eyes before . I don't have a long eyelashes as my current look before . "

Then he suddenly realized something . " Ah! Why am i not in the hospital? "

Looking back at his new face in the mirror . Zone suddenly thought of an impossibility .

" No way ... This is not my body . Did i possessed someone after i died? "

" Where am i right now?"

Zone's head were now full of questions . He hurriedly took a bath . He wants to find out whose body he possessed this time .

Zone was about to open his door when he suddenly feels goosebumps all-over his body standing up . He immediately let go of the door knob .

" W-what? "

Slowly opening the door , Zone peeked his head out and his heart almost leaped up to his throat when he saw students walking on the corridor playing with daggers , knives or any other type of sharp things that could kill and hurt . Zone gulped , he suddenly felt that this scenario is familiar .

Then a memory flashed , it was the dream he dreamt the moment he turned 10 . His dreams were not in the god's point of view and he could only see the perspective of the body , he could not see his own face at the dream but the details of the setting and the relationships of the viewer could be clearly remembered .

It was even almost like a lucid dreaming .

" Please tell me i'm still dreaming while I'm in a coma at the hospital . "

Zone slapped his face as his heart thump wildly . It took him a while before he recovered his calmness . He stared dazed at the air for a while before gathering up his courage and purposely put a calm and neutral expression before opening the door . Held in his hand is an equisite personal costumized dagger as he slid his finger on each side of its body . Although he currently have an emotionless look like a robot , but with his red eyes that speaks evilness and looked like a psycho killer pondering over the method of killing his enemy .

Some students stared at him then walked away from him with vigilance . The whole academy's atmosphere is gloomy and heavy , every students are vigilant against each other .

While some strong ones have a rather calm and leisure attitude as if they don't care about the situation around them . Those are the only ones who are able to survive in this kind of hell like school . Zone knew , that the place he's currently at isn't normal . As long as you keep your guard on and you're strong enough to protect yourself . You will have a big chance in surviving .

But Zone isn't the same as them , he live his life normally and didn't encounter such situations as this one . He didn't even experienced fighting someone in his whole life much more in this abnormal school where violence is everywhere .

His fingers trembled and accidentally cut his fingers .

" Oh! "

Pairs of abnormal eyes suddenly locked on the teenagers who had accidentally cut his skin . Zone's heart almost leaped out of his throat when he received dozens of stares around him .

" Such a stubborn one!, why did you cut me~ "

The teenager's voice sounded strange to someone normal but to the students at this place it is a normal occurrence .

" Heh kid , you should properly grip your dagger in the future or it might accidentally kill you someday . " A long haired man suddenly speaks . He wore a dangerous knuckles on his hand . He wore it like it was normal ring , one would surely lose their strength if they laid their eyes on such a dangerous thing .

Zone paused as his red eyes swept over the long haired man . The corner of his upturned lips slowly raised as his eyes bent crescent like an innocent kid , but his expression looked strange like an insane one .

" Hehe yes brother , I'll practice on how to grip this stubborn baby properly in the future.  "

He raised his wounded finger and slowly licked his own blood . His eyes shoned dangerously before smiling all his white rabbit teeth showing .

" Tasty~ "

A high ponytailed woman suddenly giggled . " You looked cute little one but I didn't expect you're already tainted . "

Zone turned his head and stared at the young woman with monolid eyeshape .

" It would be better if big sis could protect this weak one . "

The high ponytailed woman chuckled and slung her arm around the teenager . " Don't worry~ big sis will protect you . Look how clumsy you are , cutting your finger accidentally . "

" I wonder if big sis had also cut herself before? "

The woman nodded " Yeah , when my skill still wasn't good . I had cut myself multiple times . By the way , what's your name little boy?"

Zone's lips twitch when he heard a woman his age called him little boy . But he is indeed younger than his original age right now .

" I'm Zone , how about you big sis? What's your name? "

" I'm Reina , you can call me Sis Rerei or Nana . "

The long haired man smiled weirdly at Reina . " You're targeting on Shotas again Rei? "

" Shut up jerk , the child would get scared . "

Zone blinked innocently , but in this current place anyone would doubt wether he's pretending to be weak , or wether his mind was actually full of bloody scenes .

Reina ruffled Zone's fluffy silky hair and smiled . " Look for me at Building 10 Class 2 if you're bored . "

" Yes sis! "

Rei smiled and giggled before walking towards the left , the long haired man also followed her . Zone thought that maybe they are classmates .

Zone headed to the restroom and entered one of the cubicle before locking it . Zone stared mid-air before he exhaled the air kept within his lungs .

" That was close! " 

Zone patted his chest and he could feel how cold his hands were . There is not even any red part that could be seen as his purple veins could be seen through . He slowly crouch down and buried his head on his knees , his shoulders trembling from nervousness and panick.

" What should i do? " His voice was faint and he could only hear himself . He's afraid someone would hear him so his voice sounded faint like a whisper to the air .

Zone was an artist before and he likes drawing and painting but he also have a hobby of talking to himself in front of the mirror . He would often act like a psycho killer , an innocent victim , a heartbroken lover or a lovely child etc .

His hobby of acting in front of the mirror saved him in his current predicament . 

Zone gulped before coming out of the cubicle . His face now is neutral and he looked like an introverted gamer who rather play all night than talk to others . His face screamed ' I don't want to socialize so go away ' .

He arrange his bag properly before heading towards the classroom .

The whole classroom was silent , everyone had their heads low trying their best to reduce their presence . Zone also remained silent and took a seat at the back , beside him sitting beside the window is a lazy looking man .

The seatmate was currently twirling his pen through his fingers while he had his other palm on his cheeks . Zone didn't greet him and put his bag slowly at the back . He stared ahead on the blackboard as the whole class waited for the lecturer .

Half an hour later , sounds of footsteps rang in the silent room . A man entered , he had his hair slicked at the back while he wore black shirt and pants . He looked clean and serious as he hold a black folder and a black pen . His wristwatch is also black , it seems that this person liked the color of black as all his things were color black .

" Grade 10 students of Section Amethyst? " A deep , magnetic husky voice resonated from the man's mouth . He sounded like a male lead in a Hollywood movie . His voice is so attractive that any girls will surely fall inlove with him to the point of dreaming having *** with him .

Of course , in this situation no one dared to fall inlove . Even if that teacher looked like a dream husband , they are still a dangerous existence in this school of demons .

" No one answered me , is this Grade 10 section Amethyst ? "

The young man beside him looked up lazily . Zone swept his eyes around stealthily . The other students nodded and faintly said yes , sir to the man .

The man seems to not mind that the students' response were weak and turned his back to them and wrote something on the board .

Mr. Ian James De Guzman

" You can call me Mr. Ian , Sir Ian , Teacher Ian or Sir De Guzman . And i am your classroom advicer for this school year's Amethyst students . "

" I have already memorized all of your names , but i want you guys to introduce yourselves to me . State your hobbies and talents before going back yo your respective chairs . "

One student boldly stood up and swept his eyes around the room . " I'm Nash Bridgette ,  16 years and I'm a good archer . " Nash is a tall teenager , he looked thin but one could perceive the confidence radiating from his body .

The students stared at his chair where the bow and arrows hung. Their eyes went back to Nash before looking around to see who's going to introduce next . Everyone started introducing theirselves , but the atmosphere wasn't lively . On the contrary , the whole classroom was still boring , silent and gloomy . Not one dared to laugh or make any noises .

Everyone introduced theirselves until it was Zone's turn.  Zone silently gulped before lifting his face . His red eyes swept around again before reluctantly standing up . He put his dagger obediently on the table before bending his eyes to his classmates , his smile looking angelic but his red eyes made it worst .

" Hello , I'm Zone Blake Feinars , 17 years old . I like drawing and acting . I'm bad at handling daggers and i always accidentally hurt myself or anyone . "

Zone smiled as his red eyes stared at the classmates staring at him . " My personality is a bit weird but don't worry , i am also an ambivert . I don't mind socializing , but i also liked being alone . Nice to meet you , hope we'll get along . "

A red haired young man stared at the pale looking young man. He thought ' This man is so contradictory , he said he doesn't mind socializing but then he said he liked being alone . I doubt his innocent expression is sincere . Didn't he just said he liked acting? Then he must be acting right now .'

Everyone also thought so , his personality's weird. That means he's sick in the head .

The students now regarded Zone as a student who developed mental illness after living in this demonic school . As a rationale timid young students , they tend to avoid the kind of students like Zone . Although they don't mind fighting , they still doesn't like getting hurt .

For those who were unsatisfied with the way i narrated my story . I'm sorry , I'll do my best to improve . Improve my grammar and vocabularies .

Also ... i just want to mention to you guys that i quite have a fragile heart like my main character so please be lenient with me .

Mini Theater -

Red haired man: I heard that you're insane

Zone: Huh? Who said that ?

Red haired man looks at the ML .

the Ml : ... , He's creepy i tell you .

Thealovesbishiescreators' thoughts
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