
Chapter 94

I felt like a maryr then, it was just me alone in the woods, far from any form of civilization or human relations. No one would dare to come close to where I was kept out of fear of the guards. I wondered how long I would be left out here too as prey for animals. He may not know this, but I was very grateful to tying me up against the tree, it gave me the support that my body could not afford now.

I do not know why but staring at the night sky made me think of Lucas. The sky was so peaceful and serene, it made me remember the feeling that are always present when I find myself in the same room with Lucas. I tried to recall his smiling face and that also out a smile on my face too. I will always keep wondering if he thought of me back there or was he just pretending all these while,

Would his spy had come with us on this journey or would have been left behind like Maman too? Or she could be the spy or traitor too. It seems everyone was living a lie - a two faced Life, even those that call their self our masters and also we the subject. In all our activities, we pretend to be strong when we are weak, smile like we are happy when we are dying inside, live on when we feeling like dying every day that passes by, work because it is what other people are doing not what we want to do. 

I remember the man that was part of Buna's entourage that helped me, he is a good man inside and hates all the evil around him but because he needs to survive, he made a strong and wicked facade to present to the rest of the world. Buna too though he is not one of my favorites, he feels lost and lonely without his brother and misses him so badly, in other to feel close to him, he made his mind to continue from where his brother stopped, he used a cruel method because he felt if his brother did so, he would not have died and left him all alone.

I could also liken the masters to Buna, they want to belong and be recognized by all, out of that need of fitting in with the others, they conceived such plots of taking over and making subordinates. They are also afraid that we could overpower them one day, which is why, whenever they find whoever lead a riot against them, they quickly kill the person to silence the voice of the people.

Mine is worse as I feel like I am living more than a two faced Life, I feel like I am living a hundred life at once. The one that protecs people but want to be protected, the one that just want to love who her heart chooses without fear of anyone