
Chapter 90

"How were you then able to free your hands" I asked them but they all kept silent and we're unwilling to say anything to me. I took it as a sign to let it go.

"What do we do now? Where do we go from here?" Parni asked pacing. This was something we had to think about thoroughly, we had no idea where we are or how to get back to our hometown, it would be hard for us to know our bearings and move from there. Before anyone could say anything, we heard someone clapping behind us. The foreign movement had us all on our knees fast and turned to locate the source.

"It is good to see you are all resilient. It is a miracle that you were able to survive all your encounters and arrive at the right destination, since I can only see 8 people in front of me now, it is safe to assume you lost one and to imagine that it is not the girl" said master. I was extremely shocked to see him here, I thought we had gotten rid of him and was finally free from him.

I was shocked that he located us easily but from his statement, I knew we had delivered ourselves on a golden platter back to them. How is it that after all our efforts and tribulations, we still came back meet them again. I looked at the face of my fellows and saw they were angry, their hands were in a fist and they could barely restrain their anger"

"It is a suprise that you were able to get rid of your chains as they were sturdy and made from good materials, it seems you people are smarter than we give you credit for. It would do you all well to come with me without a struggle as it would be less painful for you all and you do not have anywhere to hide here" he told us with an evil smirk on his face

I was just not bold enough, I would have slapped it off his face to show how much he infuriated me. It seems we could never escape them despite all the efforts we put in, o could not fight back as he was right. We did not know where we are, they could easily have here surrounded but the main reason I gave up was because it would be less painful for me, and it would not lead to any of us getting hurt. I just hope Binto and the men would succumb and not out up a fight.

There was nothing we could do now, we had lost already, it was better we just gave in to avoid any further altercation, I looked at them and nodded to them. When Binto went close to master with his hands stretched before him, I smiled. Since he was someone we looked up to, the rest also followed his lead and gave in