
Chapter 85

Did he just say it was a joke! What kind of inhumane joke was that? We are all scared and worried about him, I mean I was worried about myself being the next prey after him but that aside I was worried. We could have gone further than this or probably left the water if not for his childish sense of humor. I wanted to stretch my hands behind me and hit him, so he could feel a sense of pain but thought better of it.

" How could a grown man like you pull such a childish prank and at a time like this?, Is our lives a joke to you?" Our leader asked him

"I just wanted to lighten the mood a bit, I am very sorry if I took it too far

" He said after a while

From his voice, I knew he did not regret his actions. Why am I so unlucky! I should have been chained to another group and not this one that thinks it is funny when you say your life is in danger.

"Enough if all this , let us continue on with the journey" leader said. I was more than alright with that decision as I wanted to leave the water already and be on a dry ground or surface.

The further we proceeded, the more the water level kept rising. It was a struggle to keep our feets firmly on the ground and also ensure our head do not go underneath the water line. The chains were becoming taut with each movement and our hands were practically stretched out in front of us. It was a real battle for me as the current was stronger here and threatened to sweep my feet off the ground, I had to gritt my teeth together forcefully, in other to control my body not to give into the sway of the currents. The chains were already biting into my wrists painfully but I could not say it out as everyone else were passing through their own struggles.

"Hang in there every one, it would soon be over" how could he promise such when he could not see the end himself. I did not want to hear empty promises or false motivations  from him, as that was what put me in my current situation.

The wind was whipping over our head fiercely, it seemed like it was about to rain, when will it ever be my day?. A rain combined with our current situation will only do more harm than good. My scarf had already flown away from my head at one point, my hair was all over now, with some in my eyes. Shaking my head to put it in order caused more havoc to me then.

A strong wind blew then and it made the river current to tug at our chains, this caused an unbalance between us and made me loose my footing. I found myself floating upwards then and knew the others too were affected.