
Chapter 77

I only came to my senses when I bumped into the person in front of me. I was so he was able to stand his ground although not before turning back to give me the stink eye. I gently apologized and looked away. I looked around trying to figure out why we stopped or had we gotten to our destination. It was dark already and I could not see the person behind me clearly only their silhouette. I  was quite scared wondering how we were going to navigate through the night. We stood there for sometime waiting for further instruction, we only realized later on that the reason we were delayed was because one of the guards went further ahead to scout and see if we could continue the journey.

"Pay attention everyone, this is important as I am doing you all a favor"  the Master of the guards told us. Due to the fact we could not see him,we all turned towards the direction we heard his voice from. This feat was not achieved easily since it was dark without some stumbling but we made it .

" Since it is dark already and we still have some distance to cover, we have no other option but to continue on, is there any complaint?" He asked us. No one said a peep, we were all silent, I mean who did he expect to voice out a contrary opinion to his after all we witnessed today?

"Very good, I love it when everyone is in the same page, the road ahead of us is not easy, and the darkness will make it worse, I wish you all good luck" he said this and walked away towards the front.

We were all afraid, did they bring us out here to kill us off. If the road ahead is as difficult as he claims, is it not better to wait it out untill dawn and pick it up from there? At least they could have untied us, so we would be able to defend ourselves and navigate easier. I was so scared and my foot refused to move when the chain was dragged along. But eventually, I was overpowering and had to move along with them. In the silence of the night, I kept hearing spooky noises that frightened me and made me whipped my head from side to side wondering what was going to come at us.

Even the trees rustling and branches snapping as we passed through were enough to spook me. I could hear some people behind mummuring in their native tongue and asking the ancestors to help them. I was so angry with my parents for not raising properly in our ways, I would have had someone to call and lean on too. I kept calling on my father and brother's spirit to guide me on this journey successfully. I promised any diety out there I would learn our ways fully if they allowed me to survive this encounter.