
Chapter 560

" I am tired of trying to hide it so I will say it. Promise you will not get mad or angry at me" I told him with my index finger pointed at him,

I was just so tired of deceiving myself and everyone else around me, I knew it was not overly important as such that would make them feel like I wanted to get rid of the son. I knew that once the others become privy to this, they would mock me till I am unable to continue any further without hiding away from everyone in shame,

" I have my suspicions already but I do want you to confirm them" I can only hope that what he was thinking was not something overly extreme because I will not take the blame for what I did  not do. I also want to say the son is at fault for misconstruing my words, he could have asked me to clarify and make him understand, but he just assumed and acted on it, I was not saying this because I felt I was guilty but because I was still trying to make them understand that he is still to blame for what happened,

" I used to think you were your mother's partner and she gave birth to your son for you" I felt so embarrassed saying it out loud, I mean it made so much sense in my head but thinking about it in this new light that I am privy to, I can see how absurd the entire theory is.

He must still be in shock because he still has not responded but was just staring at me. That made it way more worse, I would have preferred if he actually laughed at loud at me, or insult me for thinking that way, but why was he still gaping at me. I began to shuffle my feet, and moving from side to side, anything that would break his concentration from off me. I figured out that he may need some space to work through this information that I heaped on him , as a result I started to Walk backwards till I was back in the tent.

My thought were not that farfetched because some other clan people marry their parents to continue the line, some people advocate that it is Better to keep the family line pure and restricted to just the family. I must have assumed the same because I did not see or hear anyone mention anything about a wife and his son also called her mother, so it solidifies everything that is going on in my head. Most time he is always with her and when he is not, she is always searching for him,

I will definitely ask someone else because I am very sure that I am not the only one who thinks this way. When I was safely within the confines of the tent, I placed my hands on my cheeks to find it was burning up