
Chapter 554

It was way too quiet and bright, that was the first thought that was running through my mind as I woke up. Most especially tye brightness because she never let light pass through, so why is everywhere so bright?. I had to squint my eyes as I stretched while also waiting for my eyes to adapt, so I would be able to figure out what was going on,

" For someone who derives pleasure in setting people up, you sure do look peaceful while you sleep" I was definitely not expecting anyone to be in the tent with me and definitely not a male, so I jolted up and folded my hands into fists in the direction of the voice,

I let out a sigh of relief,when I saw that it was the elder perched on one side of the tent, and was running his hands through the earth, scribbling things that I could not make sense of from where I was sitting. Although I know he must have come here to take his revenge on me, I was still happy that it was a familiar face, because the stance I had taken and the hands I fisted would not be able to stop anyone,

" For someone sitting there so peacefully, no one would ever believe that you derive pleasure from hitting people" since we were calling out our faults, it was only fair that I mention his too,

It was as if my words did not faze him one bit, because he nodded and continued on with what he was doing. I felt so awkward, standing there in an awkward position too while he was behaving as if he was in his home, which was somewhat true as his mother's tent is still his,

" Where is she?" I asked him, I knew I did not have to specify because he would already know the she that I was referring to,

" Have you bonded so much with her, that you would like to know her every movement? Or you have someone knew to plot a story for?" He asked sarcastically,

I decided I was not going to let him get to me especially not today or now. I mean I just woke up, so my reaction would determine how I want the rest of my day to go, and if it is left to me, I only want to go to the garden, refresh myself and spend all day there, away from the prying eyes of people like the elder,

I decided to ignore him and go about doing what I was meant to do, which was basically nothing. I knew the women gathered together to prepare food for all the clan members, but I am unsure of how they would react if I just show up even when it is to render my assistance. The Elder's mother would surely give me some of her ration to eat, so all I need to do is to sit tight and wait for her reto.