
Chapter 542

" both of you leave right now!." The elder said. His attention was still on his mother and did not shift one bit while sending out the command. What he did not know was that that was my intention right from the onset and he was only helping me out,

I did not bother to reply him, I quickly grasped Juna's hand and pulled him away. It is quite funny how since I met Juna here, I have never addressed him as boy even in my thoughts, it is possible that since we were not where I knew him or shared memories, so I am probably trying to separate the two of them, that actually made so much sense in my head than now that I am trying to explain it out loud,

I did not have a place in mind where I was taking him to, I just wanted to be away from the elder a bit. When I looked over at Juna, he was deep in thought like he was thinking deeply about something, I have learned over time that I should just let him work it out, when he is ready to share or ask what, he would let me know. Looking at the dark sky, made me know how late it was, I sighed out loud because this was not how I planned it out one bit, and the night is not over, so it could get worse if we do not find the Elder's son.

" Why did you do that back there?" His voice was quite loud in the silence and it startled me,

"Do what?" I was not trying to feign ignorance but trying to understand the point he was coming from,

" Put him in such a tight corner, that is not nice" he said sounding petulant,

I definitely was not in the mood to deal with his childishness right now, has he ever spoken to the elder regarding his harsh treatment on me?. Why is he taking his side so much over mine?,

" He is a big boy, he can get himself out of it" I said flippantly, I do not mean to be rude but is it wrong that I want a little bit of revenge, after all that has been done to me?,

" You just did that because you know he can get out of it?. I expected more from you"

It was the phrase right there that got me angry, who was he to me that he would be expecting more from me? He had no right to say so. I just regret bringing him out here with me, if I had known that he was only going to be shooting accusations and blame at me from all corners, I would have gone my own way.

" Are you a child by the Way?" Maybe that was too extreme, but I genuinely wanted to know, so I would be able to understand the situation and context more

That would also aid in my response to him.