
Chapter 533

" where did you see her?" He asked me with an astounded look. Is it just me or both father and son loose their memory fast?. Was he not the one that probably told his son to take me there?. How come they look surprised whenever I mention her in a conversation or am I the one missing an important fact,

" He took me to her, which was why I was surprised when he took off running Later on",

" Are you sure of what you are saying?" Juna asked me" I am not a child, so I know what I am saying. Stop the attitude." The elder just looks on as if he cannot comprehend what I just said,

I turned towards Juna, hoping he would be willing to explain to me what was going on here. Since the Elder's focus was not on us, I dragged him further away to where I knew we were out of the Elder's hearing range. At first, he was grumbling but when he saw the look I threw at him, he kept his mouth shut and followed me then of his own Accord,

" Why does everyone look shocked whenever the subject of the Elder's partner is brought up?" Although we were quite far from the elder, I still whispered my words and brought his head down close to mine so he would be able to hear me clearly, without me having to strain my voice,

" She is like a sacred topic never to be mentioned around here. Which is why I do not know what will happen if your information turns out to be true" from the gloomy way he said it, I was becoming scared myself,

" Why?" That was the only word that my brain was able to make up then,

" I do not know if I would be able to tell you all the details but know that you will be in serious trouble if it also turns out to be a false alarm"

" So I am not safe either way, even if the information is true or false?" That was a lot to digest while standing up, I did not know what to ask for right now, if it should be true or false,

"Pretty much. The Elder's  chosen partner committed an act that was abominable, ever since then, she was forbidden for coming within the clan's border" he finally spat out,

I am Sure that it was more serious than he was letting on, but he was trying to paraphrase it due to the little time we have. If she was restricted from coming within the confines of the clan, would they give her a tent all to her self where she also had the luxury of visiting the beautiful garden behind it, that does not seem like a punishment at all. The people are weird in the way that they run their clan but I cannot do or say anything about it because I am not one of them,