
Chapter 504

" I really did not mean all those things I said. It was out hunger and tiredness. I was raised better than that"

I really do not know why I keep apologizing to her but I wanted her to know that I was remorseful of my actions and it is not bad if she would be able to put in a good word for me where her son is concerned. Maybe then he would be more inclined to forgive me and listen to what I have to say, because right now I am afraid to approach him.

" I will take your word for it. Come with me" her command seemed so simple on the surface but it was an extremely difficult one for me,

How does she expect me to be able to follow her to wherever she wants when I am unable to see. I could already hear rustling coming from her way to signify that she was already on the move, my eyesight can only go so far in this darkness, once she walks further off, I may not be able to see her silhouette. I quickly stood as fast as I could and tried to follow behind her on light feet, to help me control myself in case I step on or kick things on the way,

" Just follow carefully, it may seem difficult to you but this was how i was raised. I never saw the light outside and was always confined to the darkness. I guess even when I became free, I was so used to it that I can not let go now"

" Free?. Were you taken captive?"

That was the first thought that came to my mind immediately I heard it because only the masters would confine people, at least that was what I grew up hearing, I am surprised that the taking over if the masters started a long time ago. This was a tale I was willing to hear but only if she is willing to share,

"I would not have called it captivity then but more like a rite. I am lucky that I am a survivor as not a lot of people made it"

"A rite? Was that what they were trying to do to me earlier?. If they had explained it to me, I would have been more lenient and open to trying it but I was ambushed "

" It is similar but not exactly the same. You were regarded as unclean and if you were not cleansed, there is a possibility of you bringing affliction to the land if we harbor you. They had good intentions but executed it wrongly "

" Is it because I am a stranger or was it just me?"

I genuinely wanted to know because maybe it would help me understand them a lot better and I maybe able to place myself in their shoes and justify their actions a little. I was happy because at least she was opening up to me and clarifying some confusion I had