
Chapter 485

 I know I was the one who wanted to get his attention at first, but know I regret my decision. My head was aching already from trying to decipher what he was saying. I decided to improvise and make this easier for both of us, I walked up to him and took the stick he was holding, not nicely I should add but who cares then?. I decided to draw the scene of the elder with his feet on the older man's chest, I think I did a good job replicating the scene, but that would be if the elder was a worm with webbed foot and the man beneath him was a stick figure,

But enough of that, a smart person should be able to understand it easily, I turned towards him and gestured for him to take a look at it. At first he refused to look but  kept staring at my hand with a disgruntled look on his face, I even waved my hand in his face, but his gaze did not waver once. It did not take long for me to realize that I was still holding his stick and he must not be happy with that, so I sheepishly held it out to him,

That was enough to assuage his feelings, because he walked directly to the drawing on the floor. I hate to say this but his artistic flow must be cut off because it was so easy to understand, but he kept circling and looking at it from different angles but there was no sign that he understood anything. To make matters worse, he took his stick and started adding details to the drawing, right before my eyes the figure of the elder and the older man changed to a flower bed with worms on them,

I reluctantly agreed that he is talented but this was not the time to display it. I simply walked away from him without saying another word. It may be considered rude but I was angry then. All this time and effort spent but I was not able to realize any useful information. If I had kept on walking, I may have found who I was looking for already. I can only hope that he is still seated where I left him, because I would hate to go through all these, come back and then, he is no where to be found,

It is very common that the older people's quarters or space are separated from the younger ones, especially those in positions of power. They are allowed to bring in their family to stay with them over there but the rest people are restricted to their quarters, but they are at liberty to visit the older ones whenever they choose to without permit, unlike the way it was, with the masters. I decided to monitor the movement of the people, know the direction the younger ones were coming from and going to, and also do the same for the older ones