
Chapter 47

I started my chores in the grand house late, a lot of them were around. I kept my head low and avoided their stares, just focused on my work. When they discovered their methods were not working, they started hooting and hollering at me, making snide remarks but I kept calm and stood my ground. I felt them approaching me but before they could make contact, some of the superiors walked in, so they had to maintain their composure.

I felt Lucas's presence before he came in, he oozed power and authority just from walking, the guards immediately went to their position. When he got to where I was, he paused for a moment. My heart fluttered and I could not look up. Immediately I packed all my cleaning materials and vacated the place, I did not look back.

When I got outside, I decided to walk around a bit, I remembered Italula mentioned picking flowers for Theresa, I decided to do the same for her, I wanted to appreciate her, the thoughts, and her expected reaction put a smile on my lips. I walked towards the field where I had seen different flowers blossomed. The sweet fragrance of the flowers filled the air, I could not help but spin in their midst with my eyes closed and face turned towards the sky.

There was something about nature that made me feel one with it, after spinning and running around in the field, I decided to get to work. There were Lillies, Sunflowers, and whole other which I did not know their names. I decided I would make a bouquet with all the flowers available. I felt giddy and excited at the thought of doing it. I pulled off my scarf so I would use it to tie the bouquet. 

I ran my hands through my hair and shook it out. After gathering as much as I could, I sat on the grass so I could arrange them properly.

"You know, I do not think I have ever seen you with your hair down, you look beautiful" he came close and stretched out his hands to give me some flowers which he picked out. It really felt like Italula's story was repeating itself. I stood up and pushed his hands aside.

"How long have you been standing and staring at me," I asked him defiantly with my hands on my waist.

"Certainly not long enough" he replied with a smirk. I do not know why but it infuriated me the more. 

I picked up the bouquet which I had arranged and walked away from him. I felt a pain my chest as I walked away but I continued on. All the happiness I felt while picking the blossoms disappeared and they hung limply from my hands. When I got back to the tent, I had to turn off my emotions and put a smile on my face so no one would notice. Was this how I was going to be living a double life?