
Chapter 462

There is no way that I can continue on with my journey, and there is no need pretending that I did not hear him because I stood still at the sound of his voice. This was what I wanted all along right?, To see his face, Identity them and also know what they want from me. I kept muttering to myself that this was what I wanted, and I am sure that even when I discover the identity of the person I would not be shocked. He still did not say a word but gave me time to battle it out with my spirit,

I have to admit my eyes did bulge out when I saw him. All these while, I have been thinking that it was the masters, I would have never suspected him. Since I have heard him speaking before now, I began to ask myself why I did not recognize his voice. He still had his signature sinister smirk on his face and was staring at me with eyes as black as coal. Standing so close to him made me observe him clearly and I have to say it is way scarier observing him in such close distance, I definitely do not want such to repeat itself again,

"Elder?" I asked him shockingly,

I even Said it unconsciously because I never expected that I would be able to form any word. He had this happy gleam in his eyes immediately I called him that,

"I am glad that you recognized me. I must have made an impact on you "

He made an impact alright, but definitely not in a good way. When one sees the devil, he can never forget him easily, the image is always imprinted in your mind, that was the type of impact he made on me,

The ghastly image that is forever imprinted on your mind. Seeing him now, nothing is actually making sense to me. What does he want from me?, Why would he take me as a hostage?, Are the other elders aware of this too?. I actually have a lot of questions that I want to ask him. He was just standing there with his hand folded over his chest, he had a very relaxed aura around him. Like he was unbothered by this and actually find it entertaining that I have not caught up with all what is happening,

" It is obvious that I can never make it out unnoticed or until you let me go, if you ever will, but I have a question" in as much as I want to blurt the question out directly, I had this respect or fear of him, so I am always conscious of what I say around him,

I do not know what will happen if he refuses to answer me, but knowing me and my tenacious attitude I would continue to bug him until I get the answer. He simply left me standing and began to walk in the direction of the tent.