
Chapter 432

" There is something I want to be guaranteed to me before I will say a word" although her tone was a bit low, there was this certainty that was behind it, to show that if she is no guaranteed of her request, she with withhold all the answers to their questions,

"Was this not what I was saying?, What right does she have to make a demand?, We even broke rules for her" it seems it he stood up and started speaking instinctively, because immediately he caught himself, he sat back down and mumbled a little apology to the Elder's .

He was right though, the circumstances surrounding her admittance as a representative was not a usual one, so she actually had no right to demand for anything, and to make matters worse, she is willing admitting that she wants to trade her answer for a request. I just shook my head as I glanced back at her, I guess all humans are the same, selfish and only think of theirselves in all condition. It seems her actions were not instigated by Donua, but was actually fuelled by her selfish desires. I did not know that I had been calling a whole lot of attention to myself by being out of my position for a while, the moderator had to come to where I was,

I do not care what others say but I am certain that he has an issue against me. I do not know him and I think to the best of my knowledge, this is the first time I am laying my eyes on him, due to his attitude towards him, i must look like a person who has wronged him. He kept staring me down, but what he did not know was that, my stubborn mode had been activated, and I was no longer going to cower away in fear, neither was I going to apologize for doing no wrong. I could decide to leave a trial and he has no right to stop me. That is what I am standing on, and I refuse to hear otherwise. When he saw that I was not budging, and neither did it look like I was going to budge anything soon, he resorted to using words,

"Kindly take your position or excuse us. We can not have you causing a ruckus to disturb the trial" he said in a snobbish way,

It may not have been snobby, bit that was what it sounded like in my ears. What did he mean by a ruckus?, I was not talking to anyone but was on my own, thinking of how to exit the gathering. This further solidifies the thought that he bears a grudge against me. What I actually wanted to do, was to lift my noise high in the air and walk past him, with a response as that was what he deserved but I could not do so, because I wanted to see how the procedure ended, I just could not walk away from it.