
Chapter 407

," he assured me that no harm would come to Juna. And he also promised you that he will let them go, so I think they would be fine"

It seems he actually believe the words that fall out of Donua's mouth but a part of him must know the truth,

" Do you really believe he will let them go? I mean look at me and my situation right now"

He definitely looked confused at my words, so I knew he had not caught on to the point I was trying to make,

" He claimed to have admired and needed me then, which was what instigated the capture of Leo and Juna but he also asked you to let me go. How sure are you he will keep his words?" I repeated to him again,

I decided I was way too far away from him, so I came back and stood a bit close to him. I could see him reflecting on all I had said and could only hope he comes to the right answer. When I saw him shaking his head as if to clear it, that was when I knew I had my work cut out for me,

"He may not act and look like it but I am sure he will let them go this time" I smiled because it was obvious he was also trying to convince himself too, if only I can get him out of this warped character of Donua which he had conjured up in his head, he would be able to see the truth that was glaring right at him.

" This time?. He must have been making the same promise to you all too but here we are right now and they are still under his clutches. How can you still obey him?"

I was practically shouting at this point but that was because I was getting angry, how could they be so stupid. This was also awakening my fighting spirit, there is no way I would allow Donua to win just like that, I would prove to them all, that I was bold enough to do what they could not,

", You are aware that he is after the leadership position. What makes you think he would not spin the story later on and mame you and the shaman be the evil accomplices?"

I do not know what I'd making me think in this direction but I actually think it makes sense to me,


I began to walk around him at this point, he kept turning around to face me so I would say something but I kept him in suspense, so he would gobble all what I had to say and reflect on it deeply,

" You all were involved and he had his entourage as witnesses the entire time, once you are accused and they all come out to testifies, who would the people believe?"

I knew the moment everything started to fall in place in his head, he whipped his head up to stare at me with his mouth open