
Chapter 402

" why would she do such a thing?"

"Is she not aware that her hair is open?"

" She must not have been properly raised."

"This is what happens when you are always in the midst of men, you end up wanting to be like them"

To be honest, these were quite mild and saying it in a pleasant way. They were some people that used a lot more colourful words but I decided to tune those out for now. I said for now, because later on it may hit me and hit me hard but I would not let them see it happens,

Not everyone conform to change, a lot of people are actually scared of it. They like sticking with the routine they know and are used to even when it is unfavorable. I knew I would receive a lot of backlash and may not be allowed to go into some places, but they would also get used to it after a while, and who knows, I would be enough inspiration for them to start trying it out. That thought alone solidified my resolve to continue carrying my hair this way. It did not actually take long and I was Tufa's tent,

His was actually not empty and I could hear voices coming from within. I wanted to eavesdrop on their conversation but I was out in the open and I knew I would be caught at once. It would not be easy trying to convince the people that it was not my intention to do so and I am very sure that they would be looking for an offense to pin on me, so they would be able to sanctiob me and put an end to my madness, as some people earlier called it, as a result of my actions,

I wanted to find out if Donua was also with them in the tent, I would be able to ask him how far he has gone with his search and guage his reaction and expression, that would let me know if he would keep his words. I clapped my hands together to alert them that someone was standing outside the tent. No words or movement came out of the tent immediately after my actions, this further proved that it was not a legal activity going on Within the tent. They must have thought that if they do not respond after sometime, I would lose interest and leave the place,

After waiting for sometime, I repeated the action again and even called out for Tufa but still no response. A normal person would have left it all alone and come back later on but we have all decided that I was not normal and I am very sure that after my recent actions, the people would concede to that fact. I took my time and counted my steps till I stood in the entrance of the tent. The only thing preventing me and those inside was the leaves that were pulled down for privacy.