
Chapter 390

She was behaving weirdly, as if she was an entirely different person right now. I do not know if she is still pretending so Tufa would not catch on but I do think she is taking it way too far. I decided to excuse myself and think of a new plan. This is why sometimes it is not nice to rely on others, they delay and hinder your plans. I am very sure that I would have been able to come up with something if I had not been dependent on her and at the end, she was of no use to me. I stood up, bowed my head a bit to them as a sign of respect and turned to leave,

" Going somewhere?. I just got here so let's all have a seat" he walked in like he owned the place and went directly to her bed and sat on it,

This was definitely not a part of my plan and I did not know how to react or behave with his impromptu coming. I could tell this was not a normal occurrence from the wide eyed look on Tufa and the shaman's face. What would make him come here today of all days?. I was already worn out from all the happening of today and had no strength to continue faking being ignorant and submissive. I could not outrightly disobey him and I am sure that he must have his gang outside and must have told them to prevent anyone from leaving or entering the tent,

I quietly sat down close to the entrance, Incase an opportunity to escape presents itself I could easily sneak out before they would know. We sat in a triangular form, Tufa and the shaman on end, myself on the other end with Donua closing the triangle.

" When I heard the three of you were huddled together in the Shaman's tent, I had to come check it out myself"

I actually suspected as much because I knew he would not just come to the shaman's tent on a norm, he would rather summon us all to a place of his choice. I wonder who would have told him that we were together and who would have brought up such a conversation. It is also possible that he had people spying on the shaman too. Tufa and I surely picked the wrong day to come visit the shaman, it would have been easy to make up an excuse if it were just a person. He kept throwing glances at each of us,

There was no way I can reveal to him that I know anything at all. I have to act ignorant and stick to a plot that is easy and easily remembered. This is Incase he accosts me later on, I would be able repeat the same thing. I do not know what measures Tufa and the shaman were going to use, but on my part, I decided I would not let him suspect a thing. I have to make my performance sublime.