
Chapter 388

" I am responsible for him as the father figure in his life. He even calls me Pa but I am ashamed to say that I am just as helpless as you all. There is nothing I can do" his voice was also choked up with emotions,

I kept chanting " do not cry. Don't you dare cry", with all the crying around me, I could feel my eyes feeling up with tears too, threatening to fall down. I kept trying to hold it in, I even turned my back away to them, so I would not see the touching scene any longer .

"I will do my best to get us all out of this unscathed. As a father I wish it would not come to this, but it is time to bring him down before he gets out of hand "

'out of hand?' is it not a little too late to say that, he already is out of hand. How much more damage does he need to do before he is classified as out of hand?. He has already kidnapped the boys and also trapped me in a marriage I do not want, or do I need mention the trauma he is making the shaman and his Father go through?. I may have to shake some sense into Tufa so he would understand the severity of the situation,

"You are willing to help put an end to all this? You are not jesting?" Do not tell me that she is going to fall for it do easily?

I know I said he had a Father's aura and all, but that does not mean I trust him yet. Just because he shed a few tears and held her in her arms through it all, she believes he can be trusted?. I should have known that the pregnancy would alter her normal way of thinking. What if she reveals it all to him and he shows his real self or his fake self?, At this point I do not know what I am saying any longer but it's understandable.

I almost revealed my presence to them, of it would halt her from continuing with her delusions. This was what I was saying earlier, I know we need more hands to help carry the mission out, but the more people we introduce, the more we put each other's life in danger as we do not know if there is a traitor amongst us.

" Why would I jest with such serious matters?. Do you have plans already to usurp it all?" He looked intrigued and ready to know more,

It maybe because I was already suspicious of him but I did not like the glint in his eyes, if only I could turn into a stone or the air right now and tell her not to say anything to him but alas, it is impossible and I can only hope she would regain the part of her brain that she would use to function properly as before.