
Chapter 379

Although he dared to defy his elders, he still had some respect for the traditions. It always amazes me how most times we are not taught the traditions and culture of our people, but it is somehow Ingrained in us right from birth. We know what we are to avoid doing and what is also permitted. It maybe because we watched some of it while growing up or because it shows how connected we are to the soil of the land and the ancestors. It is alleged that the soil recognizes those who are of it, and when you need it's help and call out to it, it would help you.

When we were at the base, after a day's work, when the men gather at the stream to have their baths, they usually let loose a lot of information that is hidden from us. I happened to stumble in on them by chance and a simple misconception. I had thought that the men has their baths before the women because they had completed their work earlier than us. So when I was done with mine, I helped Maman put somethings in order for the night and decided to go out and enjoy the night breeze and the stars too.

It is not a new fact that I am enraptured with anything that has to do with nature and I was way too inquisitive by nature. I know there was every possibility that I wanted to spy on Leo since I had a huge crush on him. It was also the time I could observe him in his element and with his people. He would no longer be dressed in his khakis but dressed informal. He always had a smile on his face at that time,.in as much as I am ashamed to say this, seeing him happy made me happy.

For me to get to the masters side of the camp and not get seen, I had to pass through the woods and also use them as a camouflage. To get to the woods I had to pass through the stream, I was so lucky to not be caught that day. That was obviously because they were talking amongst themselves, if they had taken their bath quietly like the ladies do, I would have been caught at once. Their conversation entranced me and I found myself listening in even when I knew it was wrong.

I went back again after the first day, I would hide behind some overgrown weed close to the stream and I always made sure that my back was to them. I was only interested in hearing their conversation, it cleared up a lot of my confusion. Most time they told stories about our land and hometown, how it used to be before it was invaded and how the masters were able to gain access to our land and subdue us all. The topics that we normally shy away from in the tent or anywhere around the base, they spoke about them freely.