
Chapter 376

That was the best she could give to me due to the situation presently but it was sufficient for me, as it shows that she still had her mind on it and was probably thinking of other means for us. Tufa bent to my level and was patting my back awkwardly while trying to confirm from me what he actually said wrong. At first, I pretended as if I could not hear him and continued on with my theatrics, but after a while I felt I was dragging it out for too long. So I sat up and started to blubber while sniffing and partly crying,

Now I really understand why people said the female gender were way too much work. Tufa was so confused, he kept gesturing for me to calm down so he would be able to hear what I was saying. I would act as if I was calm, say the first word clearly and blubber the rest of it. I do not know why I was wasting his time, but I felt compelled to do so within me. When I saw he had given up and was leaving to probably go call the Shaman to come assist me, I held his hand and decided to say something meaningful,

"You told me that they were both fine but  not quite long, you said you wanted to go check on things regarding them and you will make sure you come back with good news " he did not seem to understand what I meant,  he made a ' and what' face,

"You both lied to me. They are not safe and are really missing. If anything happens to both of them, I will know you have a hand in it. I will never forgive you" I ceased the tears in my voice and looked him straight in his eyes so he would know that I was serious. These were my family that he was messing with and I do not play with them,

"I can assure that they would both come back without a scratch on their body. Can I go now?" I knew I should not relent but keeping him here would not change a thing, he should go and see if he would be able to make a difference.

I took a deep breath and looked away from him. I guess he took it as a form of acceptance to his request, because he stood and left quietly without uttering a single word. I feel like I should be blamed, Leo got into all these trouble because of me, if he had remained with his clan, although they would be whispers, most would not be able to insult him to his face. He had been through one problem to another all because of his love for me.

Love in this Sense like ours was one of siblings, it shows that you do not need to be related by blood, for you to accept one genuinely and take them under your wings. He is like a safe space for me.