
Chapter 374

It does not look good for her if he decides to tattle on her. We do not need to ask around for us to know that it will not end well for her,.if Donua finds out she is betraying him. We were all staring at each other and at the same time trying to hide the fact we were doing so. I knew what imwas supposed to do now was to excuse myself and let them have their discussion, probably come back later when they are done but I stayed rooted in my position.

This actually put Tufa in a tight corner,.I am very sure that he came here because he had something urgent to relay to her regarding their ploy but he could not say it to my hearing. The atmosphere was so awkward, he kept looking back at the door, probably thinking of an excuse he can make up so he could take his leave. If will be nice if he can join force with us, then we would have an upper hand over Donua, but I do not want to reveal it to him and risk putting her in trouble if he wants to remain faithful to Donua.

He may see this time as an opportunity to bond with his son and would do anything to put himself in Donua's good book or it is possible, that he would want to correct the wrong Donua is doing and may have been looking for an opportunity to do the right thing. The dilemma here is that, how do we know what he wants to do?. I decided I should try in my own little way and observe his reaction,

"I was going to come see you after meeting the shaman, Tufa. I am worried that something bad is going to happen?" I made sure I changed my expression to a sad one and widened my eyes to make it look big and innocent,

 He adjusted his shoulder and his position while clearing his throat, he threw a quick glance at The shaman trying to figure out what I am talking about so he would know how to respond, but she had a face to the ground and could not see his call for help,

"I do not understand what you mean Elena, everything is perfectly fine. What do you mean by something bad is going to happen?"

I had to smile at this because it he wants to figure out how much I know,

"I have looking for Boy and Leo all these while. I think something bad has happened to them, I can sense it. This was why I came to the shaman to see is she can tell me their location ". I was almost crying at the point, I was also holding onto his legs now.  It was fun making him uncomfortable but I had to remain focus so I would not burst out laughing,

" Juna is missing? Are you sure of this?" He seems he was also not aware of this new development