
Chapter 365

"Do you have any idea where Leo is?. I actually came in search of him before I got distracted." 'Distracted' was actually me trying to make it sound nice so it would look like I was trying to raise up a new issues, I even went as far as trying to laugh it off,

She looked at me strangely, maybe she would be thinking that this was the person SShe told me that she was actually in love with, how can I still be asking about the same person from her so calmly?, But I was not bothered because she still thinks I am in a relationship with him, so I do have every right to ask about him, he is still mine until they both decide to make it official,

" I saw him in passing earlier but I could not approach him because he warned me not to do so until I have settled things with you" there was nothing much I would be able to do with such information, since it was so vague. If he had not been back here since, where would he be then?

"What direction was he heading in when you saw him? Did you notice anything else?" She looked at me strangely due to the way I kept throwing question after question at her, but I needed to know all she knew so I would be able to look for him, it was of utmost importance I do so and I do not have enough time left. I had a weird feeling that I was forgetting something important and something bad was going on, it felt like I knew what was happening but I have not fully grasped it yet,

" He was heading towards Tufa's tent and it looked as if he was in a hurry, he passed by me without sparing me a glance, at first I thought it was because of our issues but now I think about it, it was because he did not take notice of me at all", she looked like she was telling the truth but there was no way of me knowing if I should trust her yet,

The first thought that popped into my head was why would Leo go to Tufa's tent?, They were not close to do such but they were cordial whenever they met. My mind was running trying to piece it all together, I may need to speak to Boy to be able to figure out what was going on.

"If he comes by when I am gone, tell him to come in search of me, I will be with Boy. It is urgent Naki, can you do this for me?" I knew I was scaring her but I did not care. I had a hunch of what is going on but I could only hope that I was wrong and it was my mind trying to play tricks on me. I did not wait to hear her response before I ran out of the tent