
Chapter 363

"He told me he was not going to say anything to you until I did so, but I guess he did not keep his words, since he told you already. Well that is all, there is nothing else to add" it was quite funny to notez that she would not have apologizes or said anything to me, if I had not mentioned it. Should I tell her that Leo did not break his promise to her, or let her discover it herself? I would love to see her face when it is actually happening,

"How do you really feel about it? Without trying to pass the blame on him, that you slept with someone that is involved with your friend?" I felt like a mother or someone far older than her, trying to lead the young one on the right track, but I really wished she would be honest with me, I do want to know how she really felt about it all. I would rather she tell me she did it as a revenge and does not regret it, than to tell me she absolutely regrets doing it without actually meaning it,

"To be frank with you, I really do not know how I feel about it. At first, I did it to hurt you because I knew you would be pained when you heard it but now, I think It backfired because I actually started to like him then" she looked at me with wide eyes as if she could not believe that she actually told me that, I had to stiffle my laugh but it was nice to see her finally admitting her feelings, maybe there is hope for her,

"Do you really not feel the need to apologize to me for what you did? If we are being honest, you were wrong for doing so" I knew that her apologize might not change a lot, but it might help repair the cracks on the wall. It is very normal to have it in mind that just because you repair a crack in the wall, it does not remove the scars from the repairs, they are actually there to always remind you when you see it that something actually happened here and you patched it up,

I do not think it is wrong for me to remember the wrongs that my friends or people I hold close did to me, just because I forgave them does not make it alright, neither does it wipe it away. It just means I have to be extra careful with how close I let them in  so when such actions repeat itself I would not be hurt again like I was at first.

"I do owe you an apology but if I say it now, it would not be genuine. So I will refrain from doing so, until I have let go of all the grudge I held against you " that was actually fair to me, so we shook our hands on it.