
Chapter 351

Why should Tufa have to feel so much pain and anguish because of a child that is not his own. I kept taking deep breath trying to calm myself down. I could not allow my emotions to take over me now, as this is certainly not the best time. I had to make sure that my head remains clear through it all. I tood some deep breath, but a yelp of pain drew my attention back to them, Donua was forcefully dragging the woman away from where Tufa was. After a while of dragging with him, she was finally able to set her hands Free. He looked at her with spite in his eyes but she glared back at him angrily,

"Who gave you the right to attend to him?. Before you think about others next time, worry about yourself" with that he gave her a slap. The force behind it split her lip and it started bleeding,

I had to admire her the more, though she raised her hand to palm where she was slapped, she never flinched neither did she take her eyes away from his, she sucked her split lips into her mouth while smiling. I have to admit, I was becoming scared of the deranged look that was appearing in her eyes, it was almost as if she had a plan lurking in her mind, if she unleash it, it would not end well for those surrounding her. 

",Your task is simple, just do it and get it out of your mind. You do not need to be here when we get rid of him. All I need you to do is to lend me your gift of sight for some minutes. Convince the people that the ancestors are angry and would have turned their back on us if he is not killed " he spread his hands out in a that's all motion.

Her gift of sight? Does this mean she could see and predict the future? Now I really understand what he needs her for. Her vision and prediction must be trusted by the people, if they doubt Tufa's word, they will never doubt hers. He really is a master planner, he ensures that all the bases are covered. No one would want the wrath of the ancestors to fall upon them, as it is never a pleasing sight. My Mama told me stories when I was little, as to the last time our people experienced the wrath, I was not conceived then and she was still in her youth.

I can still remember the terror in her eyes as she retold the story, I too was scared then because I have a very vivid memory and I could picture her words as she said it. The people had refused to listen to the then shaman of our clan when he told them to offer sacrifices to appease the ancestors, they paid dearly for their action then and I am sure no one would want such