
Chapter 319

When we got to where Naki was, I stretched my hand out to her, from her expression I knew she was shocked and was not expecting it, but placed her hand in mine sheepishly, but I just ignored it all and helped her to her feet. We all walked in silence back to our tent but I had to take a detour so I can see how Boy was faring. I could see in Leo's eyes that he did not want me to go by myself and he wanted to come with me but to be honest, I needed some time alone to think of everything that has happened today and my plans to move forward. 

When I finally got to Boy's tent I was quite shocked to notice that he was alone and no one was watching over him. Come to think of it, after what happened outside, there was this eerie silence all over the camp, as if people were scared to leave their tents. I quickly prayed that Tufa should not be in danger, he was such a lovely person and I would not want this usurp of power to bring any harm to him. It was very obvious that my would be husband had been strategizing for a long time and it has finally paid off, as he was the one in control now. If I was close to him, I would have advised him that a rule of tyranny, brute force and fear does not last long, one day the people would revolt against you. This made me remember the time that Buns was in power, even with all the hard hand he used, he was still removed from the position, it does not last long when one rules that way.

At the mention of his name, I could not help the smile that appeared on my lips, it was safe to say I missed him and why should I not?, This were people that I surrounded myself with at one point in my life, and we were almost always together. I do hope that he is safe out there, wherever he is.  I also did not want to disturb Boy as he was still sleeping, I just sat beside him, and stared off into space. I was also using the opportunity to wait for Tufa to get back because I was very sure that there was no way he was going to leave boy unattended to, as long as he can make it.

Most things that happens to us are actually blessings in disguise, I am very sure that if Boy was to be lucid when all these was happening, he would have been against it and tried his best to fight back but he would have lost the battle as there was no way one man was going to win against the crowd gathered there. Those were the last thought on my mind and before I knew it I had fallen asleep right there.