
Chapter 307

I was able to get on my feet by the end of it all. They both pushed my hands off in anger, but I only smirked at them in response because I have already gotten up and achieved my aim. I win, you loose losers! I said in my mind. I had that smug expression on my face even while they glowered at me. It was not until someone came in contact with my injured hand that I had to avert my eye from them and focus on taking care of myself and the mission that was in front of me. I only had two line to get past and I would finally be with Naki and Leo. The people at the front were more composed than those that were at the back, although you could see the obvious excitement present in them, they were not pushing each other away.

I was able to get pass them easily. I did not know if I should cry or laugh at the scene in front of me when I finally saw them. Leo looked as he normally did, one would think he was sparring like he normally does in his normal routine but his partner was a different story entirely, her hair was out of her scarf and was all over her face, I wondered how she was able to see through the mass of it all. She definitely looked the part of one that was battling, her clothes were dirty, I am sure it is as a result of all the fall she had taken. Although from the glint in her eyes and the stance that she was in, I knew she was not ready to give up now. She was obviously tired and wanted it to end from the way she was panting but her female pride would not allow her accept defeat.

It was very obvious now that Leo was a seasoned fighter, he was looked unbothered but his eyes were tracking her every movement, there is no way she is going to catch him off guard. He was lightly bouncing on his toes, then later switch to his heels. He deflected her attacks at him, and only used force when it was necessary to push her away from him. She was obviously getting worked up and angry as it was not going her way and she also knew that he was holding back on her,

"Fight me like a man. Why would you not fight me?" She growled out angrily,

Leo just shook his head at her and was trying to explain or at least that is what it looked like to me but she was in no mood to listen to his words. She used his distraction against him and charged at him in full force, before he could comprehend what was happening he was already on his back and she was on him. He tried bucking her off him but she was not relenting at all.