
Chapter 289

'Elena there is no reason to feel hurt, rather I should be happy he did not make his decision rashly, which means I could do little things to help juggle his memories and remember the times we were together'. Feeling sad or pity does not change any story, if I want the story to change, I have to make a move and change it to my favor. It is way too late to do anything now, I will do that at the first sign of dawn. I could relax fully now, knowing I have spoken to him. I leaned back on my elbow and stretched out my legs fully, ' this is what life really feels like' I thought in my head. I used my toenails to draw figures and symbols on the floor, they had no meaning, it was just something fun for me to do.

"Here I am worried about you, when you are having the best time of your life over here"

I just laughed it off, she came out here is her own accord,

"I also do not remember telling you that I was ill, if I remember clearly, i told you to sit down and enjoy the party"

She was silent for a while, the next minute, I felt a Knock on my head. With my hand on my head, I turned back to stare at her,

"That hurts"

"It was meant to" she told me casually with a shrug of her shoulders

She was so lucky that I was enjoying my position so much and I had no strength to leave it, I would have repeated the action on her with a bit more force so she would feel the pain and know not to just go about, knocking people on their head. She came to where I was seated and crouched down behind me, I kept waiting for the next pain she would inflict on me, but she surprised me by placing her hands on my shoulders and started to massage it,

"We may not have been friends for long, but I would not consider myself as your friend if I am not able to tell that there is something bothering you. I hope you know you can always confide in me"

From the tone of her voice, it was easy to deduce that she was hurt but to be frank, this has nothing to do with her. There are sometimes that one feels like solving the issues on your own and the greatest support that your friends can give you then, is to show that they are there for you through it all. I nodded my head and placed my hand on her hand. I gently squeezed it,

" You know everything already Or you want me to tell you about situation that do not exist. I can create one just for you, to prove my love." I made kissing sounds towards her in jest,

And she retaliated by hitting me on my shoulder