
Chapter 286

I am a bit scared at the moment but I did not want to bother others with my worries. It seemed as if things were going too well, like a dream. I can not help but feel like there is a doom lurking around, looking for the perfect opportunity to come and offset everything once again. It may be because there is always something that comes crashing the peace we always have. Looking back at all of them having fun, with enough food to eat and water to drink, I can not ruin it for them. I walked aimlessly, just staring at the stars and enjoying the peace and quiet while it lasts,

"Why are you not with the others? Tired of pretending?"

I quickly turned around, to face the direction I heard the voice from. I was about to unleash my anger and frustration on the person. I was not a pretender and would never be one. It was what I detested the most. I liked knowing one's true self and feelings, it hurts a lot to find out that the person you love the most and thought felt the same had been pretending from the start. It was one of the scars that Itoh had imprinted on me through her actions and I am unsure till this day, if I would ever recover fully from it.

"Who are you calling a preten..." My words trailed off immediately I noticed that it was Boy that was behind. I choked back the words I wanted to say and put a smile on my face.

Now I understood why he called me a pretender, although I was still angry at his words, I put a smile on my face immediately I knew he was the one.

" I guess I was not in the mood to relax and pretend to be merry when I am not" he just scoffed at my words and turned his face away from me,

I was quite happy he did so, as it gave me an avenue to observe him without his knowledge. Standing just few feet apart from each other, all I wanted to do was to close the distance and gather him in my hands. It was as if a growth spurt had hit him just this few month apart. He was way taller than me and he had muscles. He was no longer looking like the lanky teen he was before he left. I wanted to ask him what happened within those period he was not with me, but since he refused to acknowledge who I really am, was he going to share with me his past experience?. I certainly do no think so,

"Why are you not there with them? Are you not hungry?"

"Stop acting as if you are my mother or someone close to me. I am capable of taking care of myself" he told me angrily. It was not my intention to rile him up, I just wanted to hear him speak