
Chapter 246

I could not open my mouth to scream, the weight of his body on mine made me feel like I could not breath, his partner just screamed in fright and ran away. I looked in the direction of what he saw that made him run away, I did not know whether I should should shout at him for coming so late or cry in relief that he actually came to my aid. In his hands that were still help up in the position that he used to strike the man on me held a very thick piece of wood, I was quite surprised that the man on me was not bleeding heavily already. He must have a very thick skull which nothing can penetrate or pass through. He helped me roll the man away from me, he did not look a bit remorseful as he rolled the body of his brother away from mine. When he saw that my dress was ripped, he turned his face away and turned his body to follow suit, I slowly sat up and tried to hold the two sides of the dress together, in other not to keep flashing everyone,

"Did he... Did he go all the way with you?" He asked in a very low voice, the reason I could pick out what he was saying was because I was standing close to him,

"No he did not, you came at the right time, as I am sure that was his next destination, if not for the fact you arrived." I just felt like assuaging his anger not like I was happy with him but I knew he would never forgive himself if he learnt I was raped.

With him standing with his body away from me, trying to shield the little dignity that I had left, I could observe him freely. He face was turned to the side with his jaw clenched, he kept grinding his teeth, the noise was pretty loud considering it was silent and we were the only ones here. With those actions of his, all my plans to shout at him flew out of my head. He was punishing himself already, there was no need for me to add mine on top of it. I firmly grasped both edge of my cloth in my hands like a robe and walked to where he was. He tensed up when he held my footsteps coming towards him, my actions were also visible to him as my shadow was reflecting such on the floor.

When I raised my hands to place on his biceps in a comforting manner, he flinched and shifted away from me. With my hands still raised, I looked at my shadow that was cast on the floor, my pose sure did look threatening like I was about to hit or harm him. I brought my hands down, stood directly behind him and wrapped my hands around his waist, with the feel of his flesh on mine, I broke down.