
Chapter 244

I was exposed to the chilly air fully, the cold air blew across my skin from head to toe, I tried to cross my legs but that movement was also restricted. I felt violated just laying down there under his lustful gaze, my feeling were not being put into consideration, what mattered was his and his alone. This was not a situation that I would ever want anyone to be in. He looked at my body like the way a starving man would gaze at a platter of food, he looked confused as if he did not know where to start from and the next step to take, his hands were hanging over the air, he would move it towards my stomach and retract it, then take it towards another direction. I was already tired of the suspense, what I wanted was for him to get it over with, so they would let me be, then I would consider the next step forward. I had never been so exposed before a man in my entire life, even when we were bathing together back at the base, it was usually done under the cover of the night where no one could see any part of me,

But all those effort were for waste because my privacy was just taken away from me in the blink of an eye. What of the need of preserving and keeping myself all these years, if it was going to be taken away from me in such a ruthless and heartless manner. I had imagined scenarios in my head of how my first experience would be, I am very sure that all girls my age would have done so. Information regarding intimacy was very limited and it was considered a taboo to actually speak about it but it was just something that was innate and we knew it would happen even without people speaking about it. I remembered then when I was still with Mother, one of my neighbors daughter was forcefully taken by the Masters, when she came back and was recounting her story to her family, I hid behind their wall and was listening, I do not know how till this day but Mother came to where I was and placed her hands over my ears preventing me from hearing further and guided me home. The way she scolded me then, she had never done so to me ever

From the little I was able to hear, I knew that her experience was not pleasant and I made up my mind that if I was ever going to be intimate with anyone it must be on my own terms, which is when I was ready and I would choose who I would give such privilege, if possible it would be the person that I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. Looking at my present situation right now, I could not help but laugh. What a wishful thinking I did then.