
Chapter 239

I then knew that despite what they think, he still behaved like one of them for virtue of him being around them for so long or may just be my anger speaking. I stood up and decided to go lie down on the straws that were provided for me, to be frank I was a bit pampered, back at the base and at the camp, we had to use our spare clothes to spread on the floor before we slept on it, those that did not have any to spare had to sleep on the bare floor, sleeping on straws was a big upgrade from there, and I am definitely not going to complain about such luxuries been accorded to me. Before I could take few steps away from him, he held my hands,

" I did not mean to offend you, it was just a reflex action. No one apart from my mom had ever wanted to protect me or want things for my benefit. It was a bit startling and laughing was the only way I could express myself then. I am so sorry for not been sensitive enough" he actually sounded genuine but still I refused to face him. I yanked my hands away and continued walking on, it was his turn to see how it actually felt like

He kept shouting after me but I pretended like I was not the one he was actually talking to. When I got to where I was going to rest for the night, I plopped down on the straws on my back, I decided to look at the sky. The way he explained how much of a comfort it was to him, entranced me and I wanted to find out if it would offer me the same solace. I have always loved nature and all that comes with it, being out in the open too, inhaling the natural scent that comes with it but I had never gone as far as staying still and actually observing the sky. It was so clear and bright on this night, it was quitei was able to draw out many animals from the position of the stars,  beautiful to me. With my imagination, it made me giddy with happiness, now I understood why he actually liked it. It was so funny that the stars were all clustered together but it was actually impossible for one to count them, you would sit for hours and still be unable to achieve anything,

I made up my mind that since I was free and did not feel sleepy, I should challenge myself and try to do the impossible, I mean how hard could it be?, I picked out a point which I begin from and slowly started to count the stars,

"1... 2... 3.. 4.. 5.. 6... 7... 8... 9.. 10..." I continued on in that manner, till I got to 59 but it seems I kept making mistakes, so I had to start counting all over again. With that I fell asleep