
Chapter 214

I only wish that our ancestors or whoever is watching us from above, would raise someone who is way better than me, willing to stand up and fight for their people because they are tired of watching them been treated as an outcast. One who would not be as selfish as I was, putting their feelings and emotion before the needs and wellbeing of the people. What we need is a person who is willing to unite the people back together under the notion of love and oneness, because we are always better and stronger, when we are together and are united. It is a known fact that the Masters are aware of, which is why they always seek to drive a wedge between us, dangle power and wealth in our eyes so we can turn our back against our people.

The day we would all decide that we were tired of being subject under their control and stand as a unified entity, it would bring about their downfall. But this is also almost impossible because none of us are willing to come together, they must be conflicting agendas, which may either border on who will lead us, where we are meant to go - which is should we abandon all these dreams of freedom and just pick a right moment and run for our lives and hope we would not get caught. There are  also people who are of the opinion that the Lands belong to us originally and for the sake of the generation to come, we need to return it back to the original owners and chase the Masters away but if they can agree to relinquish power to us, while we do not seek to rule over them, if they want to live here with us side by side, then they have to obey our rules and regulations, which would be changed from that which they have imposed on us.

But like always, not everyone is of the same opinion as some want for them to be given the same treatment which they accorded to us, they should be made to do hard labor while been under fed, whipped and basically be treated as the scums of the earth that even animal are higher than. After they have passed through half of what we went through, they would be awarded a simple death. They would be hung to death, shot or stabbed in a place that they would not die immediately, but would have to bleed out while being in excruciating pain, made to watch as their children are made to pass through inhumane treatment but they can do nothing but stand by helpless watching it all unfold.

I have always said it and would continue to say it, although I am not fond of the way we are being treated, I would never want another person to be treated the same way, it makes us stoop to the same level as them and only animals behave like that
