
Chapter 194

" I would not condemn or berate you as I am sure that your conscience has done enough on behalf of everyone, but I have to say this, you went about it all wrongly. You could have..." But I did not allow her to complete her words before I butted in,

" Do you think I do not know all the things that I could have done instead?, I could have decided that we both went together in search of it or the most obvious one, do it myself. But I did not! I did not ok, you do not have to keep repeating it" my eyes were wild and my chest were already heaving, I was tired of being told what I should or should not have done. Since it happened, I had reflected on all possible ways that it could have been avoided but what had happened, had happened. I can not change it but I can help rectify it

"Keep shut and listen to me. Like I said earlier, no one is blaming you but yourself, shouting would not change the outcome of what had happened. The only way we can move now is forward, and think of a way to get him back" she told me sternly.

I knew she was right so I kept my mouth shut and restricted myself from saying anything. I had to make sure I was in total control of my facial expressions, so she would not see that I was getting angry and irritated with her. All I wanted was for her to proffer solution to the dilemma I found myself in but she was doing the opposite of that to me and this was getting us no where, but only served to further delay my time and all I could have archived if I was on the move already.

" Do you have any idea of what path of the woods he entered, that would narrow it down and give us a clue on where to start" she kept looking at me like I was the answer to it all.

If I knew all these, he would have been here with us already, why can she not understand this

"I do not have an idea of the path he went into, I left before him because I wanted to put something in order and by the time I came back he had already left. If I was aware of the path that he took, I would have gone after him already.. I was able to search two of the paths and even went ahead shouting his name but he was no where to be found" I explained to her

" Where did you search?" She asked me. I pointed both out to her but withheld information of what I had found in the second one.

"That means we have the meadow and one other left, if we are unable to find him there, we would have to take our search outside the camp"