
Chapter 173

 The more I stood there, the more I had unfathomable thoughts running through my head, I knew that if I did not get a good grip over it, I would be useless to the person who needed me the most. I asked myself if he had slipped and hit his head somewhere, which caused him to black out or if he encountered a wild animal out there, which decided to use him as his lunch or he came in contact with the masters, so he was on his way back to base now. I knew the questions I had would not be answered with me standing here but I had to go in search of it myself, so I would stop speculating about what happened to him,

I finally decided to take it one at a time, I would go into the first one that piqued my interest and if he is no where to be found there, I would move onto the next one. In a state of panic, the only thing that can help, is for one to have a solid plan which you stick to, to the end. It gives one a sense of certainty and balance in the midst of the storm. With my plan on how to tackle the issue before me, I dived head first into the woods.

When I said I dived head first into the Woods, I did that literally, like I just ran and jumped into the woods with my head's first. I did not know what led to such a display or action from me, but I knew how not worth it, it was when I landed head first onto the bushy ground and earth. I think I also had a mouth full of earth. I scrunched up my face as I sat up with the realizations of what happened.

I tried my best to spit it all out but it was all in vain, as I could still feel pieces and bits of it in my mouth. I regretted leaving my jar of water at the entrance of the camp, I would have used it to rinse my mouth out and be free from the earthy taste in my mouth now. I had never been so intimate with the earth as today. I decided to ignore the feeling and continue on the journey, there is bound to be some unfortunate circumstances along the way but I would not let it deter me from my goal.

I stood back up and trudged further into the woods, I tried to use my saliva as a means to wash and rinse out my mouth, but it did not work out the way I imagined it my head. I kept shouting his name the further I went, but there was no response or movement from within. The woods were becoming dense the further I went in till I could no longer see the path I came in through, behind me. I became scared the further I went.