
Chapter 162

He passed out on me due to exhaustion. I knew lugging him over to where we slept would disrupt his sleep and I knew he needed it, so I moved him till he was lying straight on the floor. I ran back to pick up some blankets and clothes, I laid the clothes on the floor beside him and rolled him onto it. I bundled all the clothes up and put them underneath his head. I had things I wanted to achieve and it was dusk already so I knew I had to push them over to the next day. I placed a kiss on his forehead and gently tiptoe out of there.

I decided that after all the news I had heard what I needed was a cool bath and the weather was acting in my favor, so I was very sure that the water would be at the right temperature. But I knew that I had to hurry up with whatever I wanted to do as it was getting dark and it was dangerous for a girl to be alone at dark and I am sure that the water too, would not be very safe at night. I jogged down to where the water was but I had to be careful because I was still feeling dizzy and to ensure that I do not get the bandage on my head wet so as not to infect it.

When I got to the water side, I laid down on the cool sand just trying to catch my breath and get my bearings. I turned my head to look at my surrounding but everyone where was quiet and dark, it gave out a spooky and eerie feel with the shadows of the tree dancing across the floor. I was quietly chanting in my mind, ' it is all a figment of your imagination' but my brain refused to accept i. I quickly stood up and I was also afraid of going into the water, but the water seemed like a safer choice for me than the dry ground so I ran into the water. 

Despite my fear, my body appreciated the soothing nature of the water, I was just so sad that I could not dip my head underneath it due to the injury. I pulled my dress off and washed it, but after it I realized I did not come with an option to change into, the only alternative available to me, was either to go back to the camp naked or to wear the wet clothes back. It was obvious the option I chose was to wear the wet clothes back despite how uncomfortable it was. I was almost at the entrance of the camp when my stomach grumbled again, since I could not account for the whereabouts of the entire people, I was not sure food will be provided for us, if I do not want to starve to death, I had to go in search of the food myself.