
Chapter 147

I do not know how but something told me since she acts so tough, she would like someone who acts or looks tough too to be her friend, when you act or look soft she would squash you so badly that you would regret your existence. I knew all these already, which is why I replied her question with a question too and acted all sassy, so she would see I am not afraid of her. Since I am on a mission, I have made up my mind that I would not fail before I started and I would give her reasons to like me.

She stood there quietly staring at me, when she saw I was not giving in to her threatening death stare and stood my ground with my hands on my hips, giving back as much as she gave to me. She finally conceded when she looked away from me and blinked, I was so giddy inside but could not show it because of the front I was presenting to her. I pushed my toes deeper into the earth, to stop me dancing in excitement. Since I was a pest to her and refused to budge, she decided her best strategy was to ignore me.

She turned back to the position she was before I came over, her back to me but that would not work for what I had planned, so I stepped into the pool. I gasped out loud due to its coldness, with the way she was comfortably standing in it for so long, I thought it was at a reasonable temperature. When she turned back to look at me, I composed myself and dipped my hands in the water to scoop some out, so she could see I was not affected by it but was only startled because I was not prepared for the temperature.

With her eyes on me, I waded deeper into the water till I was close to her, on the outside I was composed and walked with an air of graciousness, as much as one could in water, but inside I was gritting my teeth and shivering badly. What was wrong with her? Does she not care at all for her health and wants to catch a cold?.  I kept rubbing my palm against my legs slowly so as not to make it very obvious that I was creating friction and trying to build up heat, so my legs would not go numb in the water.

I made it look like it was a reflex action. When I was finally standing beside her on the inside, i pointed my chin upwards but in my mind I kept thinking, am I over playing it?, Have I crossed the line from bold to spoilt? as there was just a thin difference between the both of them. I did not bother saying anything to her as I am sure my presence was already a bother to her and it would not be long before she says something to me.