
Chapter 136

It is quite unfortunate that it was not Buna because if it was him, the entire people would have been happy for us and surely blessed our relationship and union. I can not help who I fall for, the heart actually has a will of it's own. It is quite rebellious and refuses to obey any instructions except from the one it has made up. There is no guide to understand it or the way it works. I can only go along with it.

" I do not know the plans he had towards me , if he was just playing with my emotions then but I have decided to throw caution to the wind when I return, if he is still interested in me , I am going to be with him.

 It does not matter what the others think. Just because my heart lies with another does not mean my head does dies not think of my people. All my thoughts are always revolving around them, they would always be my family" I drew my body close and and laid my head on my knees.

I just wanted to be enveloped by the silence and quietness. It made me feel less heavy and unburdened like the surrounding was sharing in my pain and confusion. I sat like that foya while, till my legs began to cramp. I then pulled my self up into a standing position, I dusted my dress and blew a kiss to Itoh. I needed to wash up and dunk my head under the water. The feeling of the water dripping from the strands of my hair down to my feet usually feels like it is washing and taking all my pains, sorrows and confusion away.

I decided since I felt halfway relieved from talking to Itoh and basically the surrounding, what better way to round it all up than to go to the river. When I stepped out of the woods, the camp looks empty, without Life. I was at alert immediately, does it means they all killed the guard and ran off or something bad had happened to them. I shouted out their names and got no reply.

 I moved frantically from one place to another, corner to corner, where I knew they come to most times but it was all empty. I stood in the middle of the camp until the  entrance caught my eyes, I do not know what was happening but it was like it was beckoning on me to come to that way. Almost like a light guiding and directing my paths, I walked pass it and kept going further, I heard the voices before I saw them.

Luckily there was no sounds of wailing, pains or someone crying. I could hear their laughter and voices speaking over each other. The sounds of splashing of water as they played around in it was very obvious to me, I knew even without seeing them, that they were having the time of their lives.