
Chapter 11

 When I heard the sound of the gate been opened, I can not describe the feeling present in me as of then, but one pressing feeling was that of relief and achievement. I did it, I really did it. I was qualified for it, I was going to be given a pass and possibly a job. I really wanted to start crying at that moment but couldn't because I don't want to give them more ammunition against me.

" Step forward and go through the gate, there will be someone waiting to put you through" and with that statement I was dismissed. His business with me was done. I didn't need to be told twice before I left him and his fellows behind and stepped through the gate.

I don't really know what I was expecting to see when I entered into their domain, maybe a frivolous and ostentatious buildings, men and women frolicking together dressed in their best apparel, a place filled with life and boisterous noises, just anything to differentiate it from our own side of the land.

The place was filled with men on khaki's moving around, different tent like structure was raised and few from what I could see were built with wooden material, I stood there out of place not knowing what direction I should face or who to ask questions.

I felt so strange, I am sure I stood out like a sore thumb and anyone who sees me will know that I don't belong or I'm pretty new here. I was so lost in my thoughts that when I felt a tap on my shoulders, I actually jumped and almost ran away screaming.

"I'm so sorry for that .. I tried calling but you were not responding" he seemed nice enough, with a smile on his face, he looked young and kind and virtually not what I was expecting from one of them after what happened at the gate and their behavior on our side of the land .

"I'm Lucas but everybody calls me Luke. What's your name" he was still wearing a smile on his face, it made me feel out of my lane, I guess I'm used to answering questions when delivered with a hints of force or coercion.

 I had to act fast and answer him before he thinks I'm mute and believe whatever they have told them about us,

" I'm Elena..Elena Athali" hoping it didn't come out as weak as it sounded in my head. I did not know if they have  a manner to show pleasantries like curtsey, shaking or anything at all

"You can relax a bit, I already know your name, it's written on the file handed to me"

It was then I noticed he was holding the book the men at the gate were writing my information on

"come with me" and he started moving towards one of the tent, I had no option but to followhim. He took long strides and I ran to catch up.