
Chapter 102

I pouted sadly because I actually wanted to play with it a bit, but oh well! at least I can tell itoh I saw one. When I got to the camp, I was expecting everyone to be asleep, and for it to be quiet, but what I Saw was quite the opposite. How could they be working at this time, were they able to see the ground they were walking on?. The place was looking quite different from when I was taken away, it was already developed. It seemed they were working without breaks this time around.

After scouting around, to make sure I would not be caught by the ground, I sneakily ran to the first group I Saw. To my surprise, Bintu was there and he looked quite shocked to see me too. He pulled me in for a hug, and I embraced him tightly, I longed for it a lot, to be comforted by someone else and not myself. After a while, he pulled back to look at me, I wondered what he saw too as his expression darkened.

I could only imagine what I looked like then, with my mane of a hair limp and hung on my face in different directions, the visible place in my body filled with welts and bruises, I was sure that I looked thinner than I was when I started this journey but to make it all worse, my stomach growled loudly. I smiled sheepishly and tried ducking my head but he laughed and waved it off. He gestured for me to go with him, till we got to a place where they were clothes on the grass and far away from the main camp 

This was where they all slept on the bare ground while the masters slept comfortably in their tents, safe from the danger and various weather conditions. He picked up one of the clothes from the floor and threw it at me. It almost dropped to the floor but I was able to catch it at the last minute. I examined it, only to notice it was our standard female dress. I looked up at him questionably but he just gestured for me to put it on and turned away from me.

"Your clothes are wet and if you do not change out of it soon, you will catch a Cold. And that is not a chance we can take now" he explained to me

He was right and the fact he thought of me made me smile happily. I had forgotten that my dress was wet due to the fact I had gotten used to it. He must have discovered it when he hugged me.

"I am done. Thank you so much Bintu" I told him shakily. He just turned towards me, rustled a little In the bush behind me and  pulled out a wrapped bundle. He gestured for me to sit down as he unraveled the content of the bundle whilst he sat down