
My own World

Hello this is my first novel so it will be very bad. Also consider that english is my third language, so sorry for my bad english. -My own World- He died, but he came back as a god. With tge power to do anything he now creates his own world in another universe.

Andeis_YT · Fantasy
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5 Chs

New Universe

I died.

Or didn't I?

The last thing i saw before the darkness was a lone car in the middle of nowhere.

Pretty unlucky to just stroll around and get hit by a car.

I guess it was better to die. What could i have done else as a programmer without job. If i just didn't have a job, it would be ok but it wasn't such a simple matter. When i was fired i was being dishonored by my entire country. Because of my code the newest scyscraper was hacked. 2.000 people lost their lifes because of me. How could i have known that anyone would use my hack that i devoloped in my free-time to do this.

But where am i now? I can't see anything.

Just darkness.

But wait! There is something. A crystal like structure in form of a heart hovers in front of me. With a faint red glow, it can barely be seen. I strech my arms out to touch it.


Suddenly everything is illuminated in every single color one could imagine. I feel a massive amount of energy.

Soon the light and energy settles.

What am I and where am I?

Is this afterlife?

I wait and see the world revolve.

After a bit of time tiny little stars could be seen. I move closer to them and see

little planets orbiting the sun.

Am i that big or is this solar system just so small. I try to grab the sun when suddenly a massive amount of energy gushes out of my arm. The little sun is completely obliterated. I watch all that happen with fascination. It was my energy, right? That means i must be some super strong being lika a god!

Aroused by that idea I close my eyes and try to feel the energy in my body. There it is. Multiple othercolored hovering light balls. I grab the blue one and try to pull a little bit of energy out. It works! Naturally, if i am a god i should be able to create sonething like humans and stuff. I condese my energy on one point and release it slow and steady. When I opened my eyes a blue sun is suddenly in front of me. It has the same colour as my energy ball i pulled the energy from. I chuckle. I gues i will make my own world now.